News Archive

Hankens flaggor vajar i vinden mot en blå himmel med lite moln.
The growing importance of ESG data for financial decision making and for achieving sustainability goals was the topic of a webinar hosted by Hanken School of Economics on 11.6.2020. The speakers called for increased standardisation, transparency, availability and reliability of sustainability data in the face of pressing climate and environmental demands.
Hankens huvudbyggnad med flaggorna i topp.
Hanken ranks at top among Finnish universities in U-Multirank, for research citation rate, top cited publications, and international student mobility.
Tvålastfartyg med ett coronavirus emellan.
The HUMLOG Institute is coordinating a research project where the researchers are investigating how different countries have handled the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic impact and how to tackle social media disinformation.
Read our newest blog post written by Krichelle Medel from University of Cambridge, Winner of The HUMLOG Institute’s Best Thesis Award 2020!
During May Hanken has awarded students for excellent bachelor’s and master’s theses and good study performance. Each year, Hanken awards the best bachelor’s and master’s theses of the academic year as well as the prestigious honorary nomination Rector’s list, which is given to Hanken’s best performing master’s students.
Black computer screen with colourful letters
Our culture puts high hopes on the role of technology in improving our lives.
Empirical case studies and economic analysis of law might be the answer we have been looking for.
Flaggor utanför Hankens huvudbyggnad
A research group led by Hanken Professor Topi Miettinen will kick-off a new five year research project in the autumn 2020.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Open access (OA) is a new way of disseminating the results of science openly on the internet, in contrast to traditional subscription-based access. A new study suggests that most of pioneering OA journals led by independent scholars (indie) and OA journals published in the Chinese language do not rely on article processing charges and therefore need to find long term solution to survive and flourish.
Hankens flaggor
The Helsinki GSE Situation Room states in its latest report that the largest drop in salary amount in April was in Kouvola, Vaasa and Helsinki. The report is presented at an open access webinar in Zoom on Thursday 4 June at 8 am.
Two hands holding a map
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of customers in business. It has become dramatically clear to many that without customers there is no business. Now when everything is upside down it is timely and relevant to reflect on this old but fundamental issue. Not that managers would not know it, in principle.

In order to carry its social responsibility during these exceptional times, Hanken School of Economics has decided to accept an additional 45 students in the ongoing admissions 2020.
Hankens flagga mot blå himmel
As the Finnish government is providing economic support to companies suffering from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, voices are raised sustainability should be one criterion for getting the support. This is not entirely uncomplicated, as there are no common criteria or methods of gathering and comparing data describing the performance on sustainability, especially for smaller businesses.
Hanken flaggor
The universities in Finland will increase the number of study places in the student admissions in spring 2020. Within the economic sciences, some universities have already decided to increase the number of study places while others are currently making plans for additional admissions. In the economic sciences, an increase of about 200 new study places is planned. The increased admissions will require funding in the government’s next supplementary budget.
Project name with some graphic on the top
Hanken School of Economics, FIANT Consulting Oy, 3bility Consulting and The Human Rights Centre (HRC) implement a research project called SIHTI (Status of Human Rights Performance of Finnish Companies). The aim of the project is to obtain comprehensive overview of how Finnish companies are fulfilling their human rights responsibilities in relation to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
HUMLOG Institute’s research project Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis has been selected in the special call for research into Covid-19 by the Academy of Finland.
Cash or Carrry research project home deliver
HUMLOG Institute’s research project Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis has been selected in the special call for research into Covid-19 by the Academy of Finland.

Sustainable strategy in turbulent times
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected economics on all levels in society. In order to ensure a more resilient and flexible society in the future it’s important for countries not to isolate themselves, but rather to take global regulatory actions through international agreements and that applies as much to fighting pandemics and climate change, said Topi Miettinen, Professor at Hanken School of Economics, during an online event at Hanken.
The Helsinki GSE Situation Room states in its latest report that compared to last year, over 100,000 people more have applied for unemployment benefit from Kela. The report is presented at an open access webinar in Zoom on Thursday, 28 May at 8 am.
Marit Nilsson-Väre står vid Kvarken med havet i bakgrunden.
This spring, Hanken together with Umeå University has offered a new course focusing on collaboration across borders in the Kvarken region. The course has given the students insights about challenges and opportunities for companies in the Kvarken area.