News Archive

Handelsgillet i Helsingfors
The Handelsgillets Foundation in Helsinki Brödrafond is open for scholarship applications for Hanken students.
studenter sitter på gräset framför Hanken
The seats for the Fast track in both Helsinki and Vaasa were filled in just a few minutes when the registration opened last week. The Fast track gives admittance to Hanken based on good study results, without an entrance exam.
The aim of the course is to give an in-depth overview of the current state and contribution of Responsible Organising research on social inequalities.
Shopping mall with customers walking
We will move from the dominant message logic to a revised logic of learning.
Hankens flaggor
The latest information from the Helsinki GSE Situation Room reveals that the July 2020 wage sum has reached the level July 2019. Professor Otto Toivanen, Academic Director of Helsinki GSE, finds the recovery of the wage sum good and important news.
Professor Pia Polsa teaching students in a classroom
Some time ago, even if the topic was not familiar to me, I always got all the Asian masters students to mentor. I asked why and the response was that “you are so good with Asians”.
medical face mask
Global shortages of medical equipment and problems with supply chains have during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis once again shown the strong need for global cooperation in medical supply chain management. According to experts at Hanken School of Economics governments and international organisations have failed to learn several lessons from earlier disasters and epidemics.
In Hanken’s Summer Podcast, with three episodes per week in July and the beginning of August, the School’s experts speak about their research. In addition to that, they also give their best book recommendations.
Read our newest blog post written by Hanken alumni Sonja Saari. She got honorary mentioned in The HUMLOG Institute’s Best Thesis Award 2020.
Studenter med Hankenväska
This year Hanken admits in total 305 new students to the Swedish BSc programme in Helsinki and Vaasa. That amounts to 55 more students than in 2019.
Joakim Wincent is researching entrepreneurship and well-being. He is inspired by the fact that there are always new problems to solve and says that research is like solving puzzles.
This summer Hanken School of Economics will launch 15 exclusive episodes in a podcast series where researchers at Hanken talk about their research. The first episode is out 7.7.2020.
1364 people from 120 countries joined our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
New research argues that social capital, as measured by civic norms and density of associational networks, reduces corporate managers’ tendencies to hide bad news. This results in higher accounting conservatism, which is a cautious approach that admits lower profits along with greater losses. Social capital also positively influences boardroom gender diversity and corporate governance.
On 18 June 2020 Hanken was awarded for excellence in reporting for its PRME report 2016-18 among 500 competitors at the PRME Global Forum. Hanken has specially been recognised for its reporting on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
During the last three weeks in an ongoing covid pandemic, millions of people across the US and worldwide have taken to the streets and raised their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd by a policeman. Solidarity protests also took place in Helsinki, Tampere and Turku voicing issues of inequality, discrimination, and unequal justice.
CR Module
Hanken offers around 40 seats in cross-disciplinary studies in corporate responsibility (CR) every year free of charge. A growing number of working professionals apply for the study module, as well as unemployed or laid off people.
Person packar ihop sina saker
CEOs are more likely to be fired when their firms are involved in ESG (“Environmental, Social, and Governance”) related misconduct, writes Niclas Meyer in a blog post on the Hanken Research blog.
En grupp personer sitter på en brygga i solskenet
Here you'll find the service available at Hanken in Helsinki and Vaasa during summer 2020.
How could we increase sustainability in urban last mile deliveries? Can innovations both reduce the negative effects of e-commerce and simultaneously create a top delivery system for consumers? Hanken School of Economics is coordinating a Nordic research project that will dive into these questions.