Types of Grants

Here you can find information on the different types of grants.

Please note that grant types and eligibility criteria for the different applicant groups are specified in each call. Calls currently open can be found here. Please read through the application process before submitting an application. Also make sure that you fulfill the conditions for grant awards.

The different types of grants according to applicant category are as follows:

Travel grants (application rounds spring and autumn):

  • Grants for conference participation abroad (the maximum amount for conference trips within Europe is 1500 euros and for trips outside Europe 2400 euros).
  • Grants for research visits abroad (max. 3 months).
  • Grants for further pedagogical studies and  professional education abroad.
  • Grants for other purposes for travelling abroad e.g. promoting research and teaching at Hanken (e.g. gathering of data abroad).
  • Grants for longer research sabbaticals.

Ongoing application:

  • Grants for conferences, courses, tutorials or colloquiums abroad (the maximum amount for conference and course trips within Europe is 1500 euros and for trips outside Europe 2400 euros).
  • Grants for research stays at a foreign university or research institute.
  • Grants for other activities abroad within the scope of doctoral studies at Hanken (e.g. gathering of data abroad).

Doctoral researchers admitted to the Hanken PhD Programme in their first, second, third or fourth study year, and who are registered as present for the academic year may apply for a grant. Grants to doctoral researchers in their fifth or sixth study year are only given in exceptional cases, and has to be motivated in the application. Please see the current call for more info. 

Language courses and summer schools

In these grant applications, specified maximum amounts are used. The applicant must also have completed 5 sp in the language in question (see more information below). Please note that the Hanken Funds can only fund language courses and Summer Schools for BSc and MSc students in the countries mentioned below. Students aiming at studying in other countries are encouraged to apply for funding from external funds.

1. Language courses in a European country where German, Spanish or Portuguese are generally spoken

Grants for language courses in German, Spanish or Portuguese in European countries where the language in question is generally spoken (Germany, Austria, German-speaking part of Switzerland, Spain, Portugal). Only in exceptional cases are grants given for language courses in Central or South America. The grants are intended for BSc and MSc students at Hanken (registered as present) or alumni who graduated from Hanken within the past three years. Students must have completed at least 5 credit points of German or Spanish at Hanken (or a minimum of 5 credit points of transferred German or Spanish studies) or should actively participate in a German or Spanish course at Hanken during the ongoing term and complete 5 credits in that language before the course takes place. Applicants who intend to study in a country where Portuguese is spoken must have completed at least 5 credit points in Spanish at Hanken (or a minimum of 5 credit points of transferred Spanish studies) or should attach a certificate of studies in Portuguese.

As a rule, the following maximum amounts for language courses (not privat lessons) including traveling expenses should be stated in the application (students at the Vaasa campus will receive a 50 euro supplement if the cost estimate indicates it's relevant) from spring application round 2023 onwards:

  • 3 weeks in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, or German-speaking part of Switzerland: max. 1700 euros
  • 4 weeks or longer in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, or German-speaking part of Switzerland: max. 1900 euros
  • (4 weeks or longer in Central or South America: max. 2800 euro)

Grants are not awarded for courses shorter than three weeks within Europe (or four weeks in Central- and South America).

The same person can be granted a maximum of three scholarships for language courses/Summer Schools (maximum one per application round).

2. Summer Schools in a European country where German, Spanish or Portuguese are generally spoken

Grants for summer schools in German, Spanish or Portuguese in European countries where the language in question is generally spoken (Germany, Austria, German-speaking part of Switzerland, Spain, Portugal). Grants are awarded for Summer Schools within the field of economics and business in first hand at Hanken's partner universities and in second hand at other universities of good repute. Only in exceptional cases are grants given for language courses in Central or South America.

The grants are intended for BSc and MSc students at Hanken (registered as present). Students must have completed at least 5 credit points of German or Spanish at Hanken (or a minimum of 5 credit points of transferred German or Spanish studies) or should actively participate in a German or Spanish course at Hanken during the ongoing term and complete 5 credits in that language before the course takes place. Applicants who intend to study in a country where Portuguese is spoken must have completed at least 5 credit points in Spanish at Hanken (or a minimum of 5 credit points of transferred Spanish studies) or should attach a certificate of studies in Portuguese.

As a rule, the following maximum amounts for Summer Schools (including traveling expenses) should be stated in the application (students at the Vaasa campus will receive a 50 euro supplement if the cost estimate indicates it's relevant) from spring application round 2023 onwards:

  • 2 weeks in Germany, Austria, German-speaking part of Switzerland, Spain or Portugal: max. 1500 euros
  • 3 weeks in Germany, Austria, German-speaking part of Switzerland, Spain or Portugal: max. 1700 euros
  • 4 weeks in Germany, Austria, German-speaking part of Switzerland, Spain or Portugal: max. 1900 euros
  • (2 weeks in Central or South America: max. 2400 euros
  • 4 weeks in Central or South America: max. 2800 euros)

The same person can be granted a maximum of three scholarships for language courses/Summer Schools (maximum one per application round).