Study services
Below is a list of the services and support services, including contact information, that are offered to you as a student at Hanken.
Short study matters / Student Service desk
Short study matters: certificates, submitting forms etc
The Student Service Desk, Quantum, 1st floor
Opening hours: Tue–Thu 11:30am-1:00pm
Phone Services is open on Mondays and Fridays 10:00am-12:00pm
Telephone number +358 40 352 1219 or +358 50 407 1630
The Office of Study Affairs
Opening hours: Tue 12:00pm-3:00pm and Wed 9:00am-3:00pm
Phone services open Mondays and Fridays 10:00am-12:00pm
Telephone number +358 50 407 1630 or +358 40 352 1219
Official transcript of studies and certificate of student status
If you are registered as an attending student at Hanken, you can download an official digitally signed transcript of records or a study certificate from Sisu. Instructions can be found on this webpage.
You can receive a hard copy of your transcript of studies or certificate of student status by visiting the student service desk in Helsinki or The Office of Study Affairs in Vaasa (opening hours can be found above).
If you do not have access to Sisu (due to not being registered as an attending student at Hanken), you can order a transcript of studies or certificate of student status by sending an email to
If an employer or educational institution requests for a verification of a degree, please contact
Study Counselling
Study counselling is offered on-site at Hanken during opening hours (without appointment) and in Teams (book your appointment in advance)
The study counsellors offer study counselling for bachelor's and master's degree students at Hanken. We offer help mainly when it comes to the degree structure, ordering of courses and making your study plan in Sisu. We don’t have detailed information about specific courses, so please see the course page on Moodle or contact the course instructor in such matters.
Study counselling at Hanken (drop in, no booking needed)
Location in Helsinki: Office of Study Affairs, 2nd floor / Location in Vaasa: Office of Study Affairs, 1st floor
Tuesdays at 13-15 (Helsinki and Vaasa)
Thursdays at 10-12 (only Helsinki)
NB! Please note that there is no drop in study counselling in Helsinki or Vaasa on Tuesday 1 April due to staff training.
Study counselling in Teams (book your time in advance)
Book a time in the booking system. Log in with your Hanken account. Please click on the exclamation mark to the right of each listed service to see the English name of it. Click on the service of your choice and click on a date to see what times are available (note that the calendar shows available timeslots for the upcoming 7 days). Click on a timeslot to book a study counselling session. Fill in your name, email address, student number and phone number (so we can reach you if there should be a technical problem in Teams). After booking a time, you will receive a calendar invitation with a Teams link to the email address you filled in (check your junk mail if you don't get a calendar invitation). If you are unable to attend the appointment you booked, please cancel it through the calendar invitation email at least 18 hours in advance, so the time can go to another student. Later cancellations are to be sent to the email below.
Helsinki students: Book a time for study counselling in Teams in the booking system for Helsinki students. If your Hanken account has expired you can contact us by email on
Vaasa students: book a time for study counselling in Teams by e-mailing us at
IT Services
The contact information for the IT services is found online.
Library and Quantum
Read about the library's services and opening hours on the Library's webpage.
Study Counselling for students at the open university
If you have questions regarding the course offering, registration or fees, don't hesitate to contact us.
In questions regarding the content of the courses, prerequisites and so on, that you can´t find the answer to in the course description in Sisu, please contact the teacher.
The Open University in Helsinki
Book an appointment for study counselling via Teams or onsite at Hanken in Helsinki in our bookings calendar Opens in new window (log in with your Hanken-ID). The calendar shows available timeslots for the upcoming 7 days
The Open University in Vaasa
Exchange studies
Student Office hours
Student Services (floor 1.5, entrance through Quantum)
You can be in contact with us either by e-mail or by phone.
If you would like to book a Teams-meeting during office hours, please contact if you are an exchange student at Hanken or if you are a degree student at Hanken.
Office hours:
Monday 13-15
Wednesday 9-11
Thursday 13-15
E-mail ( or phone (+358 50 415 2844)
Career services
Career Services sends out a weekly newsletter every Monday to your Hanken email. In this letter, you can find information on career related matters, virtual events and other career news.
In case you have any career related questions, or i.e. questions regarding internships abroad, don’t hesitate to contact us at or +35840 3521 539.
You can access the Career Services website here Opens in new window
Karriärcenter Arabia offers career counselling also for Hanken students
Regardless of your place of study you can contact Karriärcenter Arabia, which offers career counselling for young people and adults in Swedish and English online and at a service point on Arcada's campus in Arabiastranden in Helsinki. The center supports you with both study and work-related questions as well as your plans for the future and your next steps in your career.
Read more here and book an appointment:
Study coaching
Individual coaching for students
- Would you like to have better routines in order for your studies to go more smoothly?
- Do you find your studies challenging?
- Are you in the habit of procrastinating and leaving everything to the last minute or do you just take on too much?
- Are you struggling with your thesis?
- Or have you perhaps lost your motivation for your studies or feel a bit insecure about what you want to do after graduating?
Hanken’s study coach can help you if you have answered yes to any of the questions above or if you otherwise feel like you would like some support with your study motivation, study skills, time management, or finding a balance between studies and your free time.
Who is the study coaching for?
The study coach is available to all degree students and PhD students at Hanken. You do not have to feel that you have a problem or that you are stuck in your studies to contact the study coach, it is enough that there is something you are thinking about and would like to talk about with someone. You do not have to be able to describe exactly what it is you want to discuss, we will figure that out together.
You can book up to 3 coaching sessions during the academic year. It is often be a good idea to have one or two follow-up sessions, but sometimes one session is all you need. If necessary, the number of sessions may be increased.
How do I book a coaching session?
You can book a 45-minute coaching session with the coach Alexandra Ohls using the booking system (link below). The session will be held online in Teams.
The coaching sessions are confidential and free of charge.
Here you can book a coaching session with the study coach:
Please note that you must use your Hanken login to access the booking system. Click on a date to see what times are available (note that the calender shows available timeslots for the upcoming weeks). Click on a timeslot to book a study coaching session and fill in the requested information. If you want, you can also mention what you would like to discuss during the coaching session.
When you have booked the session, you will receive a confirmation email and a calender invitation with a Teams link to your email address.
Alexandra Ohls is a certified coach (ICF Professional Certified Coach, PCC) who is also familiar with Hanken, having worked for several years at Hanken in study administration, among other things. You can read more about study coaching in this interview with Alexandra.
Contact information
Study Psychologist
The study psychologist can support you in the following situations:
- Time management and planning
- Balance between studies and leisure
- Stress management and study related fatigue
- Learning strategies and study skills
- Challenging on-campus experiences, e.g. social anxiety
- Performance anxiety
- Nervousness or anxiety related to particular study tasks, eg. presentations
- High demands on yourself
- Motivation and goal setting
- You want to get more out of your studies
- Writer’s block in the thesis writing process
Helsinki and Vaasa:
Study psychologist Jennifer Söderlund is available for both degree and exchange students in Helsinki and Vaasa. The meetings with the study psychologist are conducted as virtual appointments.
To contact the study psychologist and schedule an appointment, send an e-mail to Appointments are free of charge and confidential. You can see the study psychologist 1-5 times per academic year and the sessions are 45-60 minutes long.
Psychotherapy for Hanken students
Hanken continues to offer the possibility of psychotherapy sessions for Hanken’s degree students and PhD students during the spring term 2025. The purpose is to promote and support the mental well-being of the students through solution-based psychotherapy and thus maintain the students’ study ability.
Psychotherapy can help you if you feel depressed or anxious or suffer from other disorders or difficulties that interfere with your everyday life. The individual therapy sessions are confidential and free of charge. The conversations will be held remotely, in Swedish, English or Finnish, and will last 45-60 minutes. As a student, you can book 1–5 therapy sessions during the academic year.
You can contact psychotherapist Camilla Laine to book an appointment by emailing from your Hanken email. Please note that you must use your Hanken email when you contact Camilla for the first time.
Please also note that the psychotherapy that Hanken is offering by Camilla Laine is rehabilitative and the appointments are not necessarily available at short notice, i.e. it is not for acute help.
Camilla is available for bookings by email.
Crisis help
If you need crisis help:
- National crisis helpline Opens in new window in English 09 2525 0116 and Swedish tel.09 2525 0112
- Information about the 24/7 mental health services (in Finnish) Opens in new window .
Help for residents of Helsinki:
- Helsinki Crisis Emergency Service tel. +358 9 310 44222. The number is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including public holidays.
- Church service telephone, +358 400221180
Help for residents of Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County:
Please call 0291512221 for crisis help.
Information on mental health and substance abuse services in Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County.
Help for residents of Vaasa:
- Information on mental health and substance abuse services in Vaasa.
Student chaplain
Student chaplain
The student chaplain offers students the possibility to come and discuss almost any topic: study-related stress, everyday life, life changing choices, loneliness - nothing is too big or small. You can contact the student priest.
Do you want to talk to someone? The student chaplain is at your service!
The student chaplain is available to everyone from the Hanken community and is ready to listen to anything you need to talk about; study, work and leisure, happiness and sorrow, relationships and loneliness, stress and anxiety, spiritual matters and doubt. The student chaplain wants to offer a safe space for everyone, regardless of your background, religious conviction, gender or sexual orientation. The student chaplain also has professional confidentiality.
The student chaplain is a priest in the Finnish Evangelical-Lutheran church, but is available to everyone. What we talk about is up to you.
Studentprästen talar också svenska.
Student chaplain in Helsinki:
Sonja Jakobsson
050-380 0662
Student chaplain in Vaasa:
Hanna Jern
044 480 8327
Student Deacon in Helsinki
The Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland is there for you when you need someone to talk to or if you encounter sudden economical distress. Please, do not hesitate to contact me, the Student Deacon Viivi Suonto, and together we can find a way for you to move forward in your situation. Nothing is too big or too small that we could not talk about it. In unexpected economical difficulties we can also find a solution for you. Moreover, you enjoy full confidentiality, which means that anything that is said, stays between the two of us. My phone number is +358-50-4075165 and email address
Individual arrangements
If you as a student are in need of individual arrangements, please follow the instructions on the webpage on individual arrangements.
Student Financial Aid
Please visit
Opening hours of the Hanken main building
The opening hours of the Hanken main building in Helsinki and in Vaasa is found on this page.