Submitting your thesis
When your thesis is finished
- When your thesis is ready for submission follow these instructions. Note that it is your responsibility that the version of your thesis that you submit is the final one and that you have done all the corrections/additions that you have agreed on with your thesis supervisor. Once the thesis is submitted no corrections or additions can be made. Also note that a thesis, that has been submitted for grading, and that is failed cannot be submitted again.
- Contact your thesis supervisor and the department amanuensis to decide a date for your maturity test. Write your maturity test on appointed time.
- Fill in the electronic form (e-lomake) by logging in with your Hanken user ID and password. You have to attach your PDF/A-file of your thesis on the form so keep the PDF/A file ready.
Instructions for saving your file as PDF/A.
If there is any kind of problems with the E-form, please contact:
If you need more information about the publishing of your thesis or questions about PDF/A format, please contact:
The deadline for submitting your thesis is, no later than 23:59 on the date of the deadline (check dates of meetings).
Please notify, that the E-form has to be submitted, at the latest, during the day of deadline. If you miss the date, your thesis is going to be evaluated on the next available Academic Council meeting. You are responsible that all the material concerning your thesis is fullfilled. We will not contact you if some of the materials are missing from your submission, neither can we proceed with your thesis matter.
IB Bookstore in Helsinki will help you if you wish to have a binded copy of your thesis, for your personal use. The process for submitting your thesis is a fully online process.
After submitting your Master's thesis
- The Office of Study Affairs submits your thesis to a programme for plagiarism detection.
- You thesis supervisor receives an analysis report from the programme for plagiarism detection and checks it.
- Your thesis supervisor evaluates your maturity test.
- A language teacher evaluates the language of your maturity exam (if you have completed your school education in Finland in Finnish or Swedish) if this has not been done in a previous university degree.
- The two reviewers (one of them is your supervisor) will give an evaluation of the thesis and a suggested grade to the Education Council, who will approve and grade your thesis during one of its meetings.
- When your thesis has been graded you will get a copy of the evaluation to your Hanken mail.
Please, keep your contact information updated in Sisu!
Remember to apply for your Degree Certificate!