Find resources
Here you can find different types of information resources. If you need help and guidance in how to use these resources, how to search for information or to find relevant sources you can request personal guidance here.
On this page you can find information on: web guides for information retrieval, Hanken theses, e-journals (such as BrowZine), print journals, Hanken subscriptions both printed and electronic (such as Financial Times found under Electronic Newpapers), and access to large amount of subject specific databases.
Books, E-books, Dictionaries
Hanna Opens in new window
is Hanken's search portal. Hanna contains printed and electronic material in one single search box. All e-books are not accessible via Hanna, more information in the libguide for e-books Opens in new window . Opens in new window
is a search service that collects material from hundreds of Finnish organisations under one roof.
Hanken students and staff have access to more than 800 000 e-books via the library. Search the ebooks:
1. in the search portal Hanna Opens in new window by narrowing your search with "E-books" (all e-books are not included in Hanna, e.g. Perlego e-books) or
2. directly in the e-book collections: Ebooks at Hanken Opens in new window
Dictionaries and Reference Books
Printed dictionaries and encyclopedias can be found in the library's reference collection and in the Bookcave.
Link to electronic dictionaries and reference books Opens in new window
Make a suggestion!
Students and staff are welcome to submit requests. Contact
Theses published at Hanken
All theses that are published at Hanken are indexed in Hanna Opens in new window .
DHanken Opens in new window is Hanken's institutional repository. In DHanken you can search for
- Master's theses from 2009-
- Doctoral dissertations
The Master's theses are available as follows:
- - available at Hanken's library and Hanken Vasa
- - available in Hanken's network
- - openly available on Internet.
Theses published at other universities
In order to find theses published at other Finnish universities you can use for example Melinda Opens in new window - the union catalogue for all Finnish university libraries. Limit your search to the preferred material type.
A list of institutional repositories mainly at Finnish and Nordic universities is available via Hanken LibGuides Opens in new window (select a subject guide and click on the tab:Theses and Dissertations). You can also find the list in Hanna Opens in new window .
Journals and Articles
E-journals in Hanna
You can list all available e-journals in Hanna Opens in new window . Use the search box to search for a specific title. You can also limit by for example category to the right on the page.
You can also use the Journal Title search on Hanna's front page. In that case you find both e-journals and print journals in the result list.
The link SFX in the result list takes you to the SFX menu, where you can check which volumes of the journal are available in fulltext. Via the SFX menu you can also search for a print copy of the journal, or check the journal information in Ulrich's or Journal Citation Report.
E-journals in BrowZine
BrowZine Web is a service that interacts with the library’s existing e-journal resources allowing users to browse journals and create a personalized reading room. If you want to browse/read the e-journals on your tablet or mobile phone you should use the BrowZine app. When you have opened the app BrowZine select Hanken School of Economics under Settings. Log in with your usual Hanken login.
BrowZine provides
- - Most of the library's e-journals
- - Open access journals
- - Your own bookshelf with your favourite e-journals
- - Alerts when new issues are avilable
- - Save and export articles
- - Ability to easily access articles in other reading and reference management software
- BrowZine User Tutorial (2020) Opens in new window
Print Journals
Print journals available at other Finnish universities you find in the union catalogue Melinda.
If you can't find an article either as fultext or in print format, you can order a copy using this form Opens in new window .
Journal assessment and citations
Citations to or from an article can be found in a citation database. We have access to Web of Science och Scopus. You find links to them in Hanna Opens in new window . Journal ratings, such as Impact Factor ( Journal Citation Report), SJR ( Scopus) and JuFo (Publication Forum) are based on number of citations. You can read more about citation databases and journal assessment under Bibliometrics .
Electronic Newspapers
ePress Opens in new window
Daily papers published in Finland (in Finnish and Swedish). Access only in the Hanken network, which includes Hopenet and Eduroam.
PressReader Opens in new window
Instant access to 7400+ newspapers from 120 countries.
PressReader offers onsite and offsite access to the platform, courtesy of the library. That means, you can use PressReader while at Hanken, as well as after leaving the premise for a predetermined period of time (3 days).
How this works:
A. Access through wifi connection (onsite)
Visit Hanken and connect your personal device to the wifi network, you will be able to use PressReader after leaving the premise for an extended period.
Download Pressreader app Opens in new window
1. Authorize your account under "More -> Accounts."
2. Select "Sign in," then click on "Libraries & groups."
3. Search for Hanken School of Economics and log in.
4. Click "Browse" to find the newspapers.
Access is valid for 30 days. After that, if you are disconnected, simply repeat the login process.
B. Access through library's website (offsite)
This link, PressReader, Opens in new window redirects you to the service. As the redirect is through a link, we recommend this method for browser use only.
Financial Times Opens in new window - London Edition
As a registered user you can login at with the Sign In button. can also be downloaded from your appstore.
After you have registered your normal Hanken id and username works as authentication. Login to , fill in your Hanken e-mail address and follow the on-screen instructions. shibboleth guide.pdf
Accordance to the agreement with it's strictly forbidden to:
"...forward full text FT articles by email or by any other distribution method..." "...copy, cut and paste, email, reproduce, publish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, transmit, modify, adapt, edit, abstract, create, derivative works of store, archive, publicly display, sell or in any way commercially exploit any Content..."
The platform includes the Finnish magazines Talouselämä, Arvopaperi, Fakta, Tekniikka&Talous, TIVI, Mikrobitti and Mediuutiset. The service offers unlimited reading access to news media online services (eg daily articles for subscribers, magazines). In addition, the service contains various databases, e.g. Talouselämä's database for business transactions. Links to Kauppalehti and Optio have also been added to the platform.
Kauppalehti Opens in new window

You need a valid Hanken-username in order to read the electronic newspapers outside the Hanken network. Through this Hanken subscription you have access to Markkinauutiset, Lehti, Pörssi and Uutisarkisto.
The databases are available via the search service Hanna Opens in new window . In order to access the licensed databases outside Hanken's network you need to login for remote access using your Hanken login.
Find publications and information by type of database Opens in new window .
Find databases according to subject
Accounting Opens in new window
Economics Opens in new window
Finance Opens in new window
Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility Opens in new window
Management and Organization Opens in new window
Marketing Opens in new window
Contact Information
Ask about information retrieval
Information retrieval training
Sarah Hagström
+358 (0)40 3521 408
Susanne Holmlund
+358 (0)50 407 3798
Ask about e-books
Marlene Backman
+358 (0)40 3521 263