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Departments & centres
- Department of Finance and Economics
Department of Management and Organisation
- Contact
- Management and Organisation
- Entrepreneurship, Management and Organisation
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Information Systems Science
- Statement from the director
- About Us
- Research
News and Events
- 29/05 2019 Seminar "Human rights – why should investors care?"
- 28/05 & 29/01 2019- "What do you think?" Seminars
Archives:Past News and Events
- 15/08 2018 - Seminar "The Political Ontology of Corporate Responsibility research"
- 05/03 & 07/05 2018 - "What do you think?" Collaborative and Cross-disciplinary Seminars
- 20/03 2018 - Seminar on "Responsible meta-organisations"
- 15/12/2017 - CCR Christmas Research-Get-Together!
- 14/12/2017 - Seminar with DS Fellow Henning Grosse Ruse Khan
- 13/11/2017 - ''Responsible Organising'' Conference
- 16/10 & 11/12/2017 - “What do you think?” – Collaborative and Cross-disciplinary Seminars
- 31/08 & 01/09/2017 - Research seminars with Farzad Khan
- 06/06/2017 - Breakfast seminar
- 27/04/2017 - Research seminar of Professor Jeremy Moon
- 31/09/2016 - Launch of CCR
- 28&29/04/2017 - CR3+ Conference
- Contact
Department of Marketing
- Contact
- The Subject Marketing
- The Subject SCM and Social Responsibility
Research Center- CERS
- What is CERS?
- People
- Our research - One step ahead
Research projects
- Kvarken – Be my Guest
- Finnish Innovation Index
- InnoVäxthus
- Boosting Space Business – Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace)
- Co-worker Alignment with Value Propositions
- NatuReach
- Sustainable Game Meat Markets
- The Data Paradox: Aligning Digitalization and Data Policies for Consumer and Employee Well-Being
- CERS older projects
- Contact
- News and Events
- Blog
Research Center- HUMLOG
- About us
Research and Publications
Research Projects
Ongoing Projects
- Waste in humanitarian Operations: Reduction and Minimisation (WORM)
- Self-organization, Support and Integration
- Cross-sector partnerships for sustainable innovations and closing the loops in the humanitarian supply chain (Co-loop)
- DigCBA: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-Based Assistance in Refugee Crises
- Last mile logistics innovation (LOGIN)
- Resilient Multimodel Freight Transport Network (ReMuNet)
- SRC Logistics Review and Analysis
- UrbanSymbiosis
- Volunteer Logistics Preparedness for Community Resilience (VOL-PREP)
- Nordic Health Crises University Network (HealthCrisNet)
- Societal resilience and relevance of infrastructure for crisis preparedness, civil protection and total defence in the new NATO countries, Finland and Sweden
Past projects
- Health Emergency Response in Interconnected Systems (HERoS)
- Frontline Humanitarian Logistics
- Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions
- Analysis and Mitigation of Cargo Theft Risk
- Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis
- Cash and/or carry: The challenges and modalities of delivering aid in conflict zones
- DRC Supply Chain Review
- Innovative sustainable urban last mile: small vehicles and business models (i-SMILE)
- Waste management and measuring, reverse logistics, environmentally sustainable procurement and transport, and circular economy. (WREC)
- sCience & human factOr for Resilient sociEty (CORE)
- UNHCR Supply Chain Certification programme
- Cascading Innovation Upstream the Supply Chain
- An Integrated Methodological Framework for Emergency Logistics
- Resilience in Disaster Relief and Development Supply Chains
- Risk management of extreme weather related disasters and climate change adaption
- WIM, and WIM for Partners
- Relief Supply Chain Management
- Food Security and Development Project
- Gender and Humanitarian Logistics
Ongoing Projects
- Publications
Research Projects
- Education
- Knowledge Dissemination
- Contact/Collaborate
- Fellowship Programme
- Department of Accounting and Commercial Law
- Centre for Languages and Business Communication
- Competence centres
- Hanken & SSE
- This is Hanken
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability
- Organisation
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- The Ukraine crisis
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Study programmes
- Bachelor's degree studies
- Master's degree studies
- PhD Programme
Non-degree studies
- Cross-institutional studies
JOO studies
JOO studies at Hanken
JOO- and co-op courses
- Entreprenörskap och företagsledning / Entrepreneurship, Management and Organisation
- Finansiell ekonomi / Finance
- Företagsledning och organisation / Management and Organisation
- Handelsrätt / Commercial Law
- Informationsbehandling / Information Systems Science
- Logistik och samhällsansvar / Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility
- Marknadsföring / Marketing
- Nationalekonomi / Economics
- Redovisning / Accounting
- Statistik / Statistics
- Engelska / English
- Finska / Finnish
- Franska / French
- Spanska / Spanish
- Svenska / Swedish
- Tyska / German
- Sommarkurser / Summer courses
JOO- and co-op courses
- JOO studies at another university
JOO studies at Hanken
- Hanken MOOCs
- Study Module in Corporate Responsibility
- LITO study module
- Study Module in IP Law
- Study Module in Commercial Law
- Study Module in Supply Chain Management
- Executive Education & EMBA
- Open University
- New Student
Sisu - the study system
- The study plan
- Study plans 2023-2025
- Course registration
- Study calendar & schedules
- Completed credits in Sisu
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- Open and non-degree students
- Sisu FAQ
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Study programmes
Faculty & Staff
- Hanken as a Workplace
Job opportunities
Job Opportunities
- Applications and the selection process
- Application Submission FAQ
Hanken's Tenure Track System
- Research Track: Assistant Professor
- Research Track: Process for Hiring to Associate Professor and/or Professor
- Research Track: Evaluation for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor
- Research Track: For Appointment and Promotion to Professor
- Teaching Track: Lecturer
- Teaching Track: Process for hiring to University Lecturer and/or Senior University Lecturer
Job Opportunities
- Teaching Lab
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