
Welcome to the Russian department's pages!
You study Economics and know that Russia has always been one of Finland's most important trading partners. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that Russia is one of Finland's neighbouring countries and a large one.
In recent years, the events in trade and politics has led to a situation where cooperation with Russia at any level is not flourishing as it used to. Perhaps you are wondering why you should study Russian right now?
Russian is spoken worldwide by about 275 million people, as a native or second language. Knowledge of the Russian language can still be seen as a requirement for doing business in the Russian market and in the former Russian-speaking Soviet countries.
You can also benefit from the Russian language in Finland, where quite a few native Russian speakers live and work in Finnish companies. Russian can therefore also be a tool for communicating in the workplace.
Language is also a key to society and culture. To better understand what Russians think, talk about, what Russian social media write about, what opinions Russians have and how they see the world, it is important to know the language yourself.
Studying Russian is a good investment in your future. Come and study Russian with a view to a better future!

Если вы разговариваете с человеком на языке, который он понимает, вы обращаетесь к его разуму. Если вы разговариваете с ним на его языке, вы обращаетесь к его сердцу.
Om du talar till en man på ett språk som han förstår, så går det till hans huvud. Om du talar till honom på hans språk, så går det till hans hjärta.
Studies in Russian
Hanken offers 9 courses in Russian. The courses are offered at different levels, from beginners level to more specialised courses.
The target level is in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The highest target level for our courses is A2-B1 (after the course 5312, Russian III A). Starting from the academic year 2021-2022, Hanken is cooperating with Aalto University in Russian studies, and after the course 5312 you can continue your studies in Russian at Aalto University. Contact Irina Prokkola for more information
The following courses listed below are offered online and are therefore suitable for both Bachelor and Master students at Hanken in Vaasa. Master's students at Hanken in Helsinki and students from Arcada also study on these courses.
Please note that the language of instruction in all courses in Russian at Hanken is Russian and Swedish.
5342 Russian for Beginners I A (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
5343 Russian for Beginners I B (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS) (the course is a continuation of 5342 Russian for Beginners I A)
5346 Russian III, KiVANET (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
The language of instruction in all courses is Russian and Swedish.
Minor in Russian for Master students
Welcome to study Russian as a minor (25 ECTS). The Russian department offers 2 minors:
- The Russian Cultural Sphere and Business Russian
- Business Russian
In the minor you can either choose to take only courses in Business Russian (minor 2), which are organised at Hanken and/or Aalto University; or in addition to the language courses you can also take other courses (minor 1), which are organised at Hanken and/or the Aleksanteri Institute. You can read more about minor studies in Russian here.
Courses offered in Russian
Behind the drop-down box below you will find more information about the courses offered in Russian at Hanken, as well as about the courses offered at Aalto University. You can also see whether the courses are available in Helsinki, Vaasa or at both locations.
According to Hanken's Teaching Awards system, courses that have received top evaluations from students are noted annually. These are courses that have at least 4 in average on all three questions included in the evaluation form, and at least 35% response rate on the evaluation. These courses are mentioned in Sisu. By entering the course code in the search field in Sisu, you can read more about the course and see whether it has received top evaluations.
Courses in Russian at Hanken
Courses offered in Russian at Hanken:
5301-A Russian I A: Russian for Beginners I A (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
5301-B Russian I B: Russian for Beginners I B (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
Choose this course after 5301-A Russian I A or if you have studied some Russian before.
5342 Russian for Beginners I A (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
Note! The course is given online. This course is for Master's students at Hanken in Helsinki and Vaasa, for Bachelor's students at Hanken in Vaasa and for students at Arcada.
5343 Russian for Beginners I B (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
Note! The course is given online. This course is for Master's students at Hanken in Helsinki and Vaasa, for Bachelor's students at Hanken in Vaasa and for students at Arcada. The course is a continuation of the course 5342 Russian for Beginners I A.
5344 Russian II A (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5345 Russian II B (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5312 Russian III A: Business Contacts: Video and Telephone Conferencing (Helsinki) (3 ECTS or 5 ECTS according to the student's choice)
Note! Students from Arcada take the course as 5 ECTS.
5346 Russian III, KiVANET (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
Note! The course is given online. The course is part of the KiVANET project and is open to all Hanken students as well as Arcada students.
5335 Each one teach one - Russian (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
Note! To take this course you need a partner who speaks Russian and wants to study another language with you, e.g. Swedish, Finnish, English, Spanish, French or German. You can find a partner yourself if you know someone, or contact the subject coordinator of Russian Irina Prokkola,
Courses offered in Russian at Aalto University
Courses offered in Russian at Aalto University:
LC-8566 Venäjä 6 (starting level B1) (3 ECTS)
LC-8577 Venäjä 7 (starting level B1) (3 ECTS)
LC-8581 Venäjä 8 Venäjänkielinen yritysviestintä A (starting level C1) (3 ECTS)
LC-8582 Venäjä 8 Venäjänkielinen yritysviestintä B (starting level C1) (3 ECTS)
LC-8583 Venäjä 8 Alakohtaista venäjää (starting level C1) (3 ECTS)
For more information, please contact subject coordinator of Russian, Irina Prokkola at
Courses offered for non-degree students
If you are a student from Arcada or studying at Hanken Open University - welcome to study Russian at Hanken! You have the opportunity to take the courses listed for each group below. You can apply for the right to take individual courses here.
Are you an Arcada student? You can study Russian in the following courses:
5342 Russian for Beginners I A (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
The course is given online.
5343 Russian for Beginners I B (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
The course is given online. The course is a continuation of the course 5342 Russian for Beginners I A.
5344 Russian II A (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5345 Russian II B (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5312 Ryska III A: Business Contacts: Video and Telephone Conferencing (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5346 Russian III, KiVANET (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
The course is given online. The course is part of the KiVANET project.
Hanken Open University-students
Are you studying at Hanken Open University? You can choose any course from the following list:
5301-A Russian I A: Russian for Beginners I A (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
5301-B Russian I B: Russian for Beginners I B (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
Choose this course after 5301-A Russian I A or if you have studied some Russian before.
5344 Russian II A (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5345 Russian II B (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
5312 Russian III A: Business Contacts: Video and Telephone Conferencing (Helsinki) (3 ECTS or 5 ECTS according to the student's choice)
Note! Students from Arcada take the course as 5 ECTS.
5346 Russian III, KiVANET (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
Note. The course is given online. The course is part of the KiVANET project and is open to all Hanken students as well as Arcada students.
5335 Each one teach one - Russian (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
Note! To take this course you need a partner who speaks Russian and wants to study another language with you, e.g. Swedish, Finnish, English, Spanish, French or German. You can find a partner yourself if you know someone, or contact the subject coordinator of Russian Irina Prokkola,
Search function in Sisu
This page presents the search function in Sisu and how it works. You can find the study sections in Russian by using the filter Organisation and then selecting "Russian, Helsinki". By using the search function in Sisu, you can independently read more about all the Russian courses offered.
Language-specific information
Below you will find subject-specific information about studying Russian.
Hanken Master's students can participate in the ExpREES programme offered at the Aleksanteri Institute. More about the programme and how to apply for it can be found here.
”Jag blev intresserad av Ryssland och Östeuropa och mitt utbyte i St. Petersburg stärkte intresset och jag ville lära mig mera om området. Jag ville även specialisera mig och ha något som får mig att stå ut ur mängden bland andra ekonomistuderanden. Det har varit mycket givande att studera i ett tvärvetenskapligt program och jag har lärt mig mycket nytt om bl.a. östeuropeisk kultur. Programmet stöder även skrivandet av min kommande magisteravhandling som kommer att handla om Östeuropa och jag har knutit kontakter till experter inom området”.
Jean-Philip Cronstedt, Hanken, Master student
Main subject: Management and Organisation
Contact information
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Irina Prokkola, Lecturer and subject coordinator of Russian at Hanken. You can also drop by on the fifth floor of Hanken's building in Helsinki, in room 507.
Contact information
Irina Prokkola – Lecturer, subject coordinator of Russian