Maturity Test

Information and instructions for the maturity test, which is written in conjunction with the Master's Thesis.

What is the maturity test?

The maturity test is a short essay on a topic related to your master’s thesis, and by writing the maturity test, you demonstrate that you are well acquainted with the subject area of your thesis. All students must write a maturity test in connection with their thesis. The maturity test is evaluated by your supervisor, and sometimes also by a language teacher. Your thesis will not be graded until you have passed your maturity test. Language evaluation of the maturity test only concerns those who have received their previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland. 


How do I write the maturity test?

The maturity test is taken as a digital exam in Exam. The test consists of an essay question related to your thesis topic.

Plan your text before you start writing. Keep in mind what the reader needs to know and what you wish to convince them of. Give your text a short introduction, present your arguments one by one, and provide a short conclusion or summary at the end. 

The recommended length of the maturity test is 400-800 words. Give your text a name that corresponds to the assignment you are writing (e.g. Purpose, Method or the like). Make sure your text is clearly and concisely written, grammatically and linguistically correct, and divided into suitable paragraphs. Check your spelling, punctuation and any technical terms.

Keep in mind that your text should be clearly understandable for someone who is not familiar with your thesis topic or major subject.


When do I write the maturity test?

You should book your maturity test when you have submitted your master’s thesis or are getting ready to submit it. Please contact the amanuensis for your department to book your maturity test. Please also let them know who your supervisor is, where you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree, in which language you received your secondary school education, and in which language you have written your thesis. The amanuensis needs this information to book the correct maturity test for you.

Department amanuenses:


In what language do I write my maturity test?

Students who have completed their previous school education outside of Finland or in another language than Finnish/Swedish

If you have received your previous school education (diploma from lower secondary and/or upper secondary school) in another country than Finland, or in another language than Finnish or Swedish, you will write your maturity test in the same language as your thesis (English or Swedish).


Students who have completed their previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland

If you have received your previous school education in Finnish or Swedish in Finland, you must fulfil the requirements for language proficiency in Finnish and Swedish in accordance with the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003). If you have not fulfilled these requirements in a previous degree, you must fulfil them at Hanken. The following requirements must be fulfilled: excellent skills in the language of your previous school education, and at least satisfactory skills in the other national language. By completing a language assessed maturity test in the language of your previous school education, you demonstrate excellent skills in the language of your previous school education.

  • If you are studying at Hanken's master's programme in Swedish and have received your previous school education in Swedish in Finland, one of the following applies to you:
    • If you have passed a language assessed maturity test in Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, your maturity test will not be submitted for language evaluation. You will write your maturity test in the language of your thesis (Swedish or English).
    • If you have not passed a language assessed maturity test in Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, you will write a maturity test in Swedish. If you have written your thesis in English, you must also write an additional maturity test in English, but only the Swedish test will be submitted for language evaluation.
  • If you are studying at Hanken's master's programme in Swedish and have received your previous school education in Finnish in Finland, one of the following applies to you:
    • If you have passed language assessed maturity tests in both Finnish and Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, your maturity test will not be submitted for language evaluation. You will write your maturity test in the language of your thesis (Swedish or English).
    • If you have not passed a language assessed maturity test in Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, you must write maturity tests in both Finnish and Swedish. If you have written your thesis in English, you must also write an additional maturity test in English, but only the Swedish and Finnish tests will be submitted for language evaluation.
  • If you are studying at one of Hanken's master's programmes in English, and have received your previous school education in Swedish in Finland, one of the following applies to you:
    • If you have passed a language assessed maturity test in Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, your maturity test will not be submitted for language evaluation. You will write your maturity test in English.
    • If you have not passed a language assessed maturity test in Swedish in conjunction with a previous degree, you will write maturity tests in both Swedish and English. The Swedish test will be submitted for language evaluation. 
  • If you are studying at one of Hanken's master's programmes in English, and have received your previous school education in Finnish in Finland, one of the following applies to you:
    • If you have passed a language assessed maturity test in Finnish in conjunction with a previous degree, your maturity test will not be submitted for language evaluation. You will write your maturity test in English.
    • If you have not passed a language assessed maturity test in Finnish in conjunction with a previous degree, you will write maturity tests in both Finnish and English. The Finnish test will be submitted for language evaluation. 

Please also make sure you have demonstrated at least satisfactory skills in the other national language. You can read more about the language requirements and how to fulfil them on the Master's degree structure page.



Assessment rubrics for maturity tests

By acquainting yourself with the assessment rubric for the maturity test ahead of time, you can see what will be expected of you. Knowing what is expected of you makes it easier to meet the expectations. The maturity test will be assessed based on an overall assessment, where the strengths weigh more than the weaknesses.

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