Mission – Vision – Values

Hanken’s mission
Collaborating closely with business and society, Hanken is a research-driven business school that fosters responsible professionals to drive a sustainable future.
Being a stand-alone business school with strong Nordic roots, we offer high-quality degree programmes in Swedish and English.
Hanken’s vision
An increasingly highly regarded international business school contributing to the future of business and society.
Hanken’s values
Our community is characterised by equity, openness and integrity, and a focus on high quality, continuous improvement, and sustainability.
Elaboration of the values
The engagement of the Hanken community in all the central activities of Hanken is an essential ingredient of our way of working, and the aim is to further strengthen this engagement. Our community includes the students, faculty and staff, the Student Union, the Hanken Support Foundation, Hanken & SSE Executive Education Ltd and executive education participants, alumni, Hanken Business Lab members, external representatives participating in Hanken’s governance and advisory bodies, and affiliated scholars.
Our Nordic roots form a natural foundation for promoting equity among students and employees; that is, offering each individual and group of people equal opportunities regardless of their backgrounds. Hanken works actively to further enhance the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) among students, faculty, and staff.
Openness means that Hanken is characterized by a high level of transparency in decision making and operations. It also implies that Hanken carefully follows developments in the environment and builds mechanisms for interaction and mutual influence and benefits, both within the School and with business and society.
Integrity refers to the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral, ethical principles, and responsible practices.
Driven by our values and by developing an increasingly agile organisation, we are committed to create innovative and effective ways to continuously raise the quality of our operations and improve our ability to fulfil Hanken’s mission and vision. Remaining triple accredited and achieving high ranking positions are important indicators of Hanken being internationally highly regarded. Sustainability informs all our activities, including teaching, research, and support functions.