For international students

Read about living in Finland here.

Key facts about Finland

(the happiest country in the world):

Population 5.5 million
Area 338 424
Capital Helsinki (population 600 000)
Head of State President Alexander Stubb
Official Languages Finnish, Swedish
Main religion Evangelic Lutheran
Currency Euro
Calling Code +358

Fun facts about Finland

  • The world's northernmost metro station Mellunmäki station is in Helsinki and Helsinki's metro is the northernmost metro system in the world.
  • There are exactly 187,888 lakes (larger than 500 m²) and 179,584 islands within the territory of Finland. Both are world records.
  • The Finns are the world's biggest coffee drinkers consuming no less than 12 kg coffee annually, which is twice more than the Italians, three times more than the Americans, and four times more than the Brits.
  • Santa Claus officially resides right on top of the Arctic circle, near the town of Rovaniemi in Lapland.
  • There are around 3 million saunas in Finland.
  • Finland is the only country with own emoji set.

Two official languages

Finland has two official languages, Finnish and Swedish, but English is also widely spoken among Finns. Finnish is spoken by approximately 92 % of Finns, while Swedish is the native language of 5,5 % the population.

Hanken School of Economics is a Swedish university, and its former name was actually "Swedish School of Economics", and the Swedish name is still "Hanken - Svenska handelshögskolan", which translates to "Hanken – Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration". Hanken is one of the few universities and institutions of higher education in Finland where the main language is Swedish.

Four seasons

In Finland you will get a luxury of experiencing all four seasons at their best. Between May – August the sun goes down only for a few hours during nighttime and up North you may even experience polar day.

The beginning of autumn is colourful, and many go to Lapland to experience “ruska” – the amazing natural phenomena when leaves change colors. The end of autumn might be challenging as it is getting cold and dark, and it rains heavily.  

Winter is a great season to experience Finnish traditions (Independence Day on 6 December and Christmas). It is a cold period, but it is a fantastic time to do winter sports. Just remember to get dressed in layers so that you keep warm. If you are an adventurous one you can try dipping in “avanto swimming” – the practice of cutting a hole in the ice and going for a winter dip.

Nature close by

In Finland you are always close to nature. Whether you decide to live in the city centre or not there are always green areas and forests nearby. People here are outdoor enthusiasts, and they are so in every season.

A warm-hearted people  

Finns can be perceived as more reserved than those of other cultures and the initial initiative to make friends may fall on the foreigner. However, once the ice is broken Finns are open and warm. Honesty and dependability are two characteristics that are held in high regard by Finnish people.

Finns are friends with silence. Here it is not awkward at all! You will also learn to embrace silent moments. Finns are also very modest. You will never hear someone bragging about their careers, success or anything else, they will either stay quite or will humbly say that it was a team effort.