Study Modules

Study Modules consist of several different courses. The main target group is present student from other universities.
Hanken's study modules can e.g. be used as a minor within your degree at your home institution, or you can complete them in order to be accepted as a degree student at Hanken. General information about the study modules can be found here.
Study Module in SCM and Social Responsibility
You can take a selection of courses in logistics and social responsibility (LSA) at Hanken in the form of a study module - whether it is to strengthen your current competence, e.g. by having LSA as your minor subject, or if you are considering applying to Hanken's master's program in the subject.
Once you have been admitted to the study module, you can choose from a wide range of different courses in logistics and social responsibility that Hanken offers at master's level. You can complete a maximum of 45 ECTS of the pre-defined courses per academic year. Read more about the study module via the link below!
Study Module in Corporate Responsibility
A cross-disciplinary module/minor in Corporate Responsibility offered by Hanken can be completed in despite of your major. It can also be registered, similar to a minor subject, as a study module on your diploma.