Main Admission round

To be eligible to apply in the main admission round you must fulfil the requirements below. You can apply to all programmes within the Main admission round, except for the Double Degree programme with Umeå University in Sweden.

The application has ended on 22 January 2025, you are welcome to apply next year. Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates on the programme.

Selection criteria

  • All applicants who fulfill the general eligibility requirements are forwarded to academic assessment.
  • The assessment is completed by the coordinator for the Master programme in questions based on the following criteria:
    • Academic success and academic skills based on the scope, content and success in previous studies which are relevant for the intended programme. The CV is considered in the assessment.
  • The academic assessment is completed by the programme using a scale of 1.00–5.00 points (NOTE! not the same as GPA, but the average assessment score for the different listed sections).
  • All applicants who fulfill the minimum requirement of 25–30 ECTS in subjects relevant to the intended programme  (including possible subject-specific requirements) and who have a total evaluation score of at least 3.00 are ranked for admission for the set admission quota based on the total evaluation score.
  • In the event of tied total points, the sub-scores in the assessment are considered to determine the applicants' order as follows: 1) success  2) content, and 3) scope in the previous which are relevant for the indended programme. If applicants still have the same points, they are ranked according to the rules for tied scores. 
  • The academic eligibility and the ranking of the eligible applicants is based on the attachment uploaded in the application by the attachment deadline.
  • Only the attachements listed in the admissions requirements are taken into consideration in the assessment.