| 05.10.2020

Hanken students successful in Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch

Festlighet på Tysklands ambassad
Five Hanken students participated this year in the international examination "Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch" (PWD), which is organised by the Deutsch-Finnische Handelskammer in cooperation with Goethe-Institut.

Every year, the German language within Hanken’s language centre offers a preparation course (“Wirtschaftskommunikation”) for the exam. All the students who participated in the preparation course at Hanken passed the exam, consisting of both a written and an oral part, with good results.

The festive diploma ceremony took place at the German Embassy on Furuholmen. The German Ambassador Konrad Arz von Straussenburg hosted the event, and from Hanken School of Economics attended lecturer Stefan Kuzay and the students Lea Heikkilä, Aino Malmi an Jaakko Ikonen. Not all the students were present this time in order to be able to keep a safe distance.

The PWD diploma is the highest grade that can be taken in business German. The diplomas are important in order to get a position in business where communication between Finland, Germany and the other German-speaking countries is important.