| Press release

Press release

Hanken student William Engblom, founder of Hashlist, has been awarded the Anders Wall scholarship of 200 000 SEK. With a background in motorsport and a passion for innovation, he has built a platform that matches technical experts with the needs of the automotive industry.
PhD, professor of practice, entrepreneur and board professional, Christina Dahlblom has been appointed Hanken School of Economics’ associate dean focusing on executive education and corporate relations as of 1 March 2025.
Christoph Vitzthum has been re-elected as chair of the new Board of Hanken School of Economics. Vitzthum was elected during the Board’s statutory meeting on 4 February 2025. Patrick Lapveteläinen was elected vice-chair.
There are significant differences in how prepared Finnish companies are to comply with EU regulations on corporate responsibility. This is shown by a new study conducted by several Hanken researchers, among others, on behalf of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Hanken School of Economics has received over two million euros in funding from the Research Council of Finland to support research that will enhance Finland's comprehensive security, with a particular focus on economic resilience and security of supply.
To commemorate its 50th anniversary, the Dr. h.c. Marcus Wallenberg’s Foundation for Research in Business Administration has decided to support the establishment of two endowed professorships: one at Hanken School of Economics and the other at Aalto University School of Business. In addition, the foundation announces that it will significantly increase its annual support for the doctoral programme Kataja.
The University Collegium of Hanken School of Economics has in its meeting on 24 October 2024, elected a new Board for Hanken. The term of office for the new Board is 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027.
A new one-year master's programme in sustainability reporting and financial analysis will start as a cooperation between Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa and Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics. This is Finland’s first one-year master’s programme on a university level.
Hanken School of Economics will confer 60 doctoral degrees and nine honorary doctorates in connection with the solemn conferment of doctoral degrees on Friday 1 November 2024.
A new initiative that is set to transform the landscape of sustainable solutions for the humanitarian and health sectors worldwide has been launched. The unique platform will help humanitarian and health actors’ access and utilize bio-based products in critical response operations and health programs globally.