Study Tools

On this page you'll find useful links to Moodle, our learning platform, Sisu, and Exam, an e-exam software. More information about Hanken's courses and study plans can be found in Sisu.


Moodle Opens in new window is a virtual learning platform used at Hanken. It supports learning and collaborative studying for students on different courses.

Moodle supports communication and interaction between the students and the teacher. Moodle can be used for example as the course notice board, or for online discussions, taking exams, submitting assignments/files to the teacher, and sharing course material.

Moodle instructions for students


Hanken's courses are in Sisu Opens in new window . You do not have to log in to see the courses and descriptions. Get well acquainted with Sisu Opens in new window - it is one of your most important tools as a student!

For each master's degree programme there is a study plan which contains all the courses major subject students should take within the programme. The study plans are in Sisu.

The teaching schedules for can be found in Sisu. See the instructions for the study calendar here.


Exam is a modern software for digital exams (e-exams). An e-exam in an Examinarium means that the teacher can choose to replace some of the traditional examinations with digital examinations in an examination room. There you take the exam, during a time of your choosing, through an electronic examination software. Throughout the exam you are video monitored. The video is saved and can be checked afterwards. Familiarize yourself with Hanken's Exam instructions.


News for students and other current information is published on MyWeb.