
On this page you can read about the requirements for exchange studies within the Hanken exchange programme

Requirements for exchange studies

Students applying for exchange must be eligible for exchange studies, in accordance with the exchange programmes and bilateral agreements.

Some partner universities might have special requirements that a student must meet in order to study at the university. The requirements may apply, for example, to completed language tests, minimum GPA and the type and scope of studies completed at Hanken. The requirements can be checked in Hanken’s Mobility-Online Portal under each respective university. Feel free to e-mail outgoing.mobility(at) if you have any questions. 

Requirements for students admitted to the Bachelor's degree programme

You can read about the requirements that students admitted to the Hanken Bachelor in Business programme (English speaking bachelor's programme) have to meet in order to be eligible to apply for exchange studies within the Hanken exchange programme in the following document:

 NB! If you are a Swedish speaking bachelor's student, please see the separate requirements on the page Behörighetskrav, that is in Swedish. 

Requirements for students admitted to the Master’s degree programme

You can read about the requirements that students admitted directly to the Master's degree programme have to meet in order to be eligible to apply for exchange studies within the Hanken exchange programme in the following document: