
Welcome to the Swedish department's pages!
While studying at Hanken you have a great opportunity to learn Swedish! Knowing the language will open you many doors not only in Finland and Sweden, but also in the rest of Scandinavia. The Swedish language opens the door to Scandinavia, as the Scandinavian languages are related. On this page you can get acquainted with the courses in Swedish as a foreign language that Hanken offers, for those who have not studied Swedish before.

Språkkunskapens värde kan inte devalveras. Det stiger och ger avkastning.
Studies in Swedish
The Swedish department offers courses for three different target groups, depending on your Swedish language background. These three groups are Swedish as mother tongue, Swedish as a second language and Swedish as a foreign language. You can read more about the first two groups on this page. The current page addresses the third group: Swedish as a foreign language.
Courses in Swedish as a foreign language are offered at different levels. If you have never studied Swedish before, you are welcome to join the beginners' course. If you already have some knowledge of Swedish, you can choose a course that suits your level best. The levels of the courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). If you are not familiar with the system, please contact the teacher to discuss which course would suit you best.
All the courses available in Swedish as a foreign language are listed below. You may choose courses according to your own starting level. At each level of Swedish as a foreign language, courses A and B are courses with instruction twice a week, and course C is an online self-study course. When planning your studies, please note that courses at level 1 are offered every term, while courses at level 2 are offered only in the spring term and courses at level 3 in the autumn term. Course 5656 is offered only in the spring term.
Minor in the national languages
The goal of the Minor in the national languages of Finland is to give international students basic skills in both Finnish and Swedish. The Minor consists of 25 ECTS and the student should choose at least 10 ECTS in both languages, while the remaining credits (5 ECTS) can be chosen freely.
Courses in Swedish are organised by Hanken and open for all Hanken students, students from other Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences, and for students via Hanken’s Open University. For more information, please contact Katja Peltola at katja.peltola@hanken.fi
Hanken also organises courses in Finnish at elementary level. For more information, please contact Johanna Haapala at johanna.tanner@hanken.fi. Some of the Finnish courses are offered by Aalto university.
Please note that this is a specific minor intended for students at level Swedish as a foreign language. There is a separate minor intended for degree-students at Hanken that study Swedish as mother tongue or Swedish as a second language.
Courses offered in Swedish as a foreign language
As mentioned earlier, the Swedish Department offers different types of courses. The courses offered in Swedish as a foreign language are aimed at those who have not studied Swedish before, or who have only a limited knowledge of Swedish. All the courses offered in Swedish as a foreign language are listed below. You can also see whether the courses are available in Helsinki, Vaasa or at both locations.
According to Hanken's Teaching Awards system, courses that have received top evaluations from students are noted annually. These are courses that have at least 4 in average on all three questions included in the evaluation form, and at least 35% response rate on the evaluation. These courses are mentioned in Sisu. By entering the course code in the search field in Sisu, you can read more about the course and see whether it has received top evaluations.
For more information about the courses in Swedish as a foreign language, please contact Katja Peltola.
Courses in Swedish as a foreign language
Courses in Swedish as a foreign language at Hanken:
5623-1A Swedish as a Foreign Language 1A - Svenska som främmande språk 1A (CEFR 0) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
This is a beginner’s course in Swedish. Exchange students and Master students are welcome! The language of instruction is English and partly Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-1B Swedish as a Foreign Language 1B - Svenska som främmande språk 1B (CEFR A1) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
This is a beginner’s course in Swedish with target level CEFR A1. Exchange students and Master students are welcome! The language of instruction is English and partly Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-1C-E Swedish as a Foreign Language 1C - Svenska som främmande språk 1C (CEFR 0) (Helsinki – Vaasa) (1 ECTS)
This is a beginner’s self-study course in Swedish pronunciation. Exchange students and Master students are welcome! The language of instruction is English and partly Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-2A Swedish as a Foreign Language 2A - Svenska som främmande språk 2A (CEFR A1) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
This is a course in Swedish for students with some prior knowledge of Swedish. The languages of instruction are English and Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-2B Swedish as a Foreign Language 2B - Svenska som främmande språk 2B (CEFR A2) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
This is a course in Swedish for students with some prior knowledge of Swedish, CEFR-level A1. The languages of instruction are English and Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-2C Swedish as a Foreign Language 2C - Svenska som främmande språk 2C (CEFR A2) (Helsinki) (1 ECTS)
This is a repetition course of the basics in Swedish grammar. Exchange students and Master students are welcome! The language of instruction is English and partly Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-3A Swedish as a Foreign Language 3A - Svenska som främmande språk 3A (CEFR A2) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
The course aims at higher fluency and more advanced use of Swedish in different work-life situations. The language of instruction is Swedish and partly English. The course is open to students with prior knowledge of Swedish, CEFR-level A2.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-3B Swedish as a Foreign Language 3B - Svenska som främmande språk 3B (CEFR A2) (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
The course aims at higher fluency and more advanced use of Swedish in different work-life situations. The language of instruction is Swedish and partly English. The course is open to students with prior knowledge of Swedish, CEFR-level A2.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5623-3C Swedish as a Foreign Language 3C - Svenska som främmande språk 3C (CEFR A2) (Helsinki) (1 ECTS)
This is an online course in reading comprehension. Exchange students and Master students are welcome! The language of instruction is English and partly Swedish.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5656 Swedish for Language Proficiency in Finland (CEFR B1) (Helsinki) (5 ECTS)
The course aims at higher fluency and more advanced use of Swedish. The course is open to students with prior knowledge of Swedish, CEFR-level A2.2. This course is also suitable for students from Finnish high school. By completing the course students who have received their secondary education in Finnish in Finland fulfill the requirements of proficiency in Swedish required of personnel in public bodies.
Before registering to the course, the student must pass the level test in Moodle. The test takes 30 minutes and can be completed at any time.
Contact person: Katja Peltola
5634 / 5634-V Each one teach one – Swedish (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
The Each One Teach One course means that two native speakers of different languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Russian, Spanish or Swedish) meet informally to learn each other's language.
Contact person: Mari Huvitus
Courses offered for non-degree students and co-op students
All courses in Swedish as a foreign language are open for degree students and exchange students from other Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences as well as for students via open university. For further information about courses for students at other Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences, please visit this page. To apply for the right to take individual courses, please fill in this electronic form.
Search function in Sisu
This page presents the search function in Sisu and how it works. You can find the study sections in Swedish by using the filter Organisation and then selecting "Swedish, Helsinki" or "Swedish, Vaasa". By using the search function in Sisu, you can independently read more about all the Swedish courses offered.
Contact information
For any further information or in case questions arise, please contact Katja Peltola. You can also find us from the Swedish department on the fifth floor in Hanken's building located in Helsinki, or on the third floor in Hankens building in Vaasa.
Contact information
Katja Peltola – Lecturer, svenska som främmande språk / Swedish as a foreign language
Research and projects within the Swedish department
In Swedish, we develop actively teaching materials and methods both for Hanken and for higher education in Finland and the Nordic countries. We engage in research and projects that are relevant from a societal perspective and that support the professional expertise of teachers. Follow the links below to get acquainted with digital teaching materials we have developed.
Digital teaching material
Other projects
Follow the links below to read more about current research projects within the Swedish department. Read more about research conducted at the Language Centre here.
Researchers within the Swedish department
The links below will take you to the Swedish researchers' profiles on Hanken's Research Portal HARIS, where Hanken's research output and intellectual resources are collected and presented. In HARIS you can search and browse publications, activities and current projects for all researchers and languages.