
Welcome to the Spanish department's pages!
Here are some reasons why learning Spanish can be beneficial to you:
1. Widespread use of Spanish
Did you know that Spanish is the second most spoken native language in the world? According to the Cervantes Institute’s 2021 report, Spanish is the native language of around 500 million people worldwide and the official language of 21 countries! There are studies that predict that in the near future the United States will become the largest Spanish-speaking country - overtaking Mexico (Mexico has around 122 million native speakers). In addition, around 600 million people speak Spanish with at least some degree of proficiency (this number includes people who are studying the language)!
2. Business prospects and opportunities
With so many speakers around the world, knowledge of Spanish broadens access to global businesses. Spanish is relevant when dealing with emerging economies like Mexico, or other countries with promising economies. As regards opportunities in online business, keep in mind that Spanish is the third most used language on the internet.
3. Work or study abroad
If you know Spanish, you have the possibility of either working or studying in a Spanish speaking country.
4. Fun!
Knowing the language when travelling in the Spanish-speaking world is an enriching experience. Knowing Spanish also allows you to enjoy movies, television shows, music and literature in Spanish, which will help you get more out of your experience and get to know the culture of the destination country.
Studies in Spanish
The Spanish department offers several courses at different levels. Our goal is to provide you with the basis for communicating in Spanish in everyday life situations and in your professional working life.
Our basic level Spanish courses for beginners are general language courses. The more advanced courses focus on Business Spanish.
The Spanish courses at Hanken do not only help you develop your written and verbal communication skills but also provide you with information about the society, the economy, the culture and the history of the Spanish-speaking countries.
In Sisu you can find information about the prerequisites according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you are unsure of your own level, please contact the subject coordinator of Spanish Rita Eloranta,
Spanish as a minor
Welcome to study Spanish as a minor at Hanken within your degree!
If you are a Bachelor or Master student at Hanken (Helsinki/Vaasa), you can study Spanish as a minor. The minor in Spanish consists of 25 ECTS.
The minor in Spanish (25 ECTS) can include:
- Spanish courses at Hanken (see the options)
- Courses at Aalto University (higher level courses)
For further information, please contact the subject coordinator of Spanish Rita Eloranta. You can also read more about studying Spanish as a minor here.
Courses offered in Spanish
The courses offered within the Spanish department open up under the drop-down menu below. You can also see whether the courses are available in Helsinki, Vaasa or at both locations. According to Hanken's Teaching Awards system, courses that have received top evaluations from students are noted annually. These are courses that have at least 4 in average on all three questions included in the evaluation form, and at least 35% response rate on the evaluation. These courses are mentioned in Sisu. By entering the course code in the search field in Sisu, you can read more about the course and see whether it has received top evaluations.
Autumn courses P1 – P2
Autumn courses P1 – P2:
5401-A Spanish 1 A (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
5401-A-V Spanish 1 A (Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
5422-E Spanish 2 A (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
5421 Each one teach one – Spanish (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
Spring courses P3 – P4
Spring courses P3 – P4:
5401-B Spanish 1 B (Helsinki) (3 ECTS)
5401-B-V Spanish 1 B (Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
5423-E Spanish 2 B (Helsinki – Vaasa) (3 ECTS)
5430-E ¡Vamos a negociar! Advanced Spanish (Helsinki – Vaasa) (5 ECTS)
5421 Each one teach one – Spanish (Helsinki) (2 ECTS)
Courses offered for non-degree students
Our Spanish courses are open to Arcada students, to Hanken’s Open University students and to students with JOO-agreements. Students from other universities can apply for the right to take individual courses via this electronic form. Foreign or exchange students are welcome, too.
Please contact the subject coordinator of Spanish, Rita Eloranta, if you need more information.
Search function in Sisu
This page presents the search function in Sisu and how it works. You can find the study sections in Spanish by using the filter Organisation and then selecting "Spanish, Helsinki" or "Spanish, Vaasa". By using the search function in Sisu, you can independently read more about the Spanish courses offered.
Language specific information
Below you will find information that is useful to know when studying Spanish.
Partner Universities
Many students choose to spend a semester abroad as an exchange student in a Spanish-speaking country. Studying at a university in a Spanish-speaking country is an excellent opportunity to deepen both your general language skills and, in particular, your cultural knowledge, because when it comes to such a huge cultural sphere as the Spanish-speaking one, you absolutely have to experience it for yourself to understand what it's all about! Read more about Hanken's Partner Universities here.
Elisabeth Schuster Fund Grants
If you are a degree student at Hanken or if you have graduated from Hanken in the previous three years, you can apply for a grant from the Elisabeth Schuster Fund to attend a Spanish language course in Spain or any Spanish-speaking country. Read more about the Elisabeth Schuster grants here.
Contact information
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact subject coordinator of Spanish (in Helsinki/Vaasa) Rita Eloranta. You can also find us on the fifth floor of Hanken's building in Helsinki or on the third floor in Hanken's building in Vaasa.
Contact information
Rita Eloranta – Lecturer, subject coordinator of Spanish
Maria Loarte – Teacher (hourly-paid) –
Projects and publications within the Spanish department
Research is carried out within the Spanish department. The links below will take you to the Spanish department's researchers profiles on Hanken's Research Portal HARIS, where Hanken's research output and intellectual resources are collected and presented. Rita Eloranta’s research focuses on the study of the Spanish language and Amerindian languages of the Americas.
In HARIS you can search and browse publications, activities and current projects for all researchers and languages. Read more about the research conducted at the Language Centre as a whole here.
Read more!
If you are interested and want to read more about Spanish, follow the links below for more in-depth information.
Spanish language
Información sobre la lengua española.
Newspapers from the Spanish world
Prensa en general de todos los países hispanohablantes.