Minor in Corporate Responsibility for degree students

The CR minor adopts a cross-disciplinary approach that combines courses from various subjects, including Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, Politics and Business, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Management and Organisation, Commercial Law, Economics, and Corporate Governance. As a result, the module does not belong to any specific subject or department at Hanken, although it is administered by subject of Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility.
In order to have it marked CR Module as a minor in your transcripts and degree, you must earn a minimum of 25 ECTS. As a Hanken degree student, you can take courses from the course list provided without any restrictions. You may also choose to take similar elective courses at other universities in Finland or abroad and include them in the CR minor, but these courses must be approved by the coordinator of the study module to be included in the minor. If you wish to include courses taken at other universities in the minor, we recommend that you first confirm with the coordinator at prme@hanken.fi to ensure that the course is eligible for inclusion before taking the course.
Students at Hanken who complete the module/minor will have it added to their transcripts. However, please note that the courses you intend to include in the study module should not be part of any other study program, such as major or minor studies. Additionally, you must apply to have the CR minor marked in your transcripts. Refer to the instructions in the 'Process after you complete the minor' section for more information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to prme@hanken.fi, and we will assist you to the best of our abilities!
Degree students in Vaasa
Degree students in Vaasa should choose courses offered only at the Vaasa campus.
Students if they wish, can complement these courses with courses taken at other universities in Finland or abroad. Supplementing these courses with modules taken at other universities in Finland or abroad is an option for students. It is important to note that courses intended to be included in the study module should not be a part of any other study program (major or minor studies). Prior to taking a course, it is always advisable to verify with prme@hanken.fi if the course from another university can be included in the minor.
Available courses
A list of available courses can be found link below in the CR module for both Helsinki and Vaasa campuses.
It is mandatory for students to register for teaching in Sisu by themselves and this necessitates the creation of a study plan. The instructions for Sisu can be found here!
Process after you complete the minor
After completing the minor, students should ensure that none of the courses they intend to include in the module are included in any other study program (major or minor studies) in their degree. Additionally, they should ensure that the module is included in their study plan in Sisu and that all courses they intend to include are visible there.