Co-worker Alignment with Value Propositions

Funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund
Time: April – October 2023
The objective of this research project is to create an empirically grounded, coworker-oriented Co-worker Value Proposition Alignment Model (Co-Val). The model enhances co-worker readiness to perform in alignment with the organization’s corporate responsibility and sustainability-, and service encounter value propositions. Co-worker value proposition alignment improves:
- co-workers’ motivation, -wellbeing, and -job satisfaction
- customer satisfaction
- profitability
The model supports co-workers in performing tasks that align with corporate responsibility-, sustainability-, and service encounter value propositions. Additionally, the model helps organizations involve co-workers in value proposition design.
This research project adopts action research, an iterative approach inspired by service design, and employs the Service Pulse logic, which can be accessed at
Project Deliverables
Customer encounters in which co-workers are able to align with value propositions and uphold the value promised to customers and other stakeholders have a positive impact on co-worker motivation and well-being, the operation of the organization, customer satisfaction, and eventually profitability.
During this project, the coworker-oriented Co-worker Value Proposition Alignment Model (Co-Val) and alignment tools were created. Additionally, an ESG readiness module was developed to complement the existing Service Pulse research tool.
The Co-Val model addresses issues related to alignment with value propositions in three different sectors:
- the care sector (service promises),
- the financial sector/investment (ESG promises), and
- companies in a start-up/renewal phase (creating value propositions).
The Co-Val model offers the following components:
- Alignment process solutions (approach, structure, and process phases)
- Tools for maintaining the organization's value proposition alignment efforts
- The Pulse tool, which identifies initial alignment challenges as well as changes in the organizational mindset during the alignment process (The ESG, the Service encounter, and the Start-up Pulse tool). The Service Pulse is applicable in action research processes.
These three Co-Val components can be adapted and applied more broadly to research and development in Finnish working life
Head on to CERS Blog to get an overview of the insights from the Co-Val Project
Dive into the full study here (open-access): Co-worker oriented alignment with value propositions: The CO-VAL model Opens in new window