Study Module in Commercial Law

Interested in studying Commercial Law courses on MSc level at Hanken?
Increase your knowledge of topics such as tax law, intellectual property law, and M&A! As of the fall 2019, Hanken offers students registered as present at another Finnish university, or a Finnish university of applied sciences, the possibility to complete courses within commercial law on MSc level - free of charge. Note that most of the courses offered are in Swedish.
Which courses are offered?
The following MSc level within commercial law courses in are offered 2024-25 (please note changes may occur):
For students in Helsinki
• 37012 Fördjupad skatterätt I: Inkomstbeskattning 5 cr
• 37014 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law 10 cr
• 37017 The Corporation and its Stakeholders 5 cr
• 37021 Aktiebolagets kapital 10 cr
• 37025 Företagsförsäkring och riskhantering 5 cr
• 37023 Law of Corporate Finance 10 cr
• 37026 Corporate Governance and Innovation 10 cr
• 37020 Advanced Tax Issues of Corporations 5 cr
For students in Vaasa
• 37012 Fördjupad skatterätt I: Inkomstbeskattning 5 cr
• 37021 Aktiebolagets kapital 10 cr
• 37023 Law of Corporate Finance 10 cr
• 37026 Corporate Governance and Innovation 10 cr
• 37025 Företagsförsäkring och riskhantering 5 cr
• 37020 Advanced Tax Issues of Corporations 5 cr
You are allowed to sign up to courses adding up to a maximum of 60 ECTS per academic year, even though the actual amount of ECTS offered might be higher. You gain the right to participate in the courses during the first two academic years after you have signed up. You are not allowed to re-take courses.
Please note that you are required to register for the teaching in Sisu yourself, which requires a study plan in Sisu. The instructions for Sisu can be found here.
For more information about the courses visit, search for the courses by entering the course code.
Who can apply/sign up to the courses?
You need to be registered as present at a Finnish university, or a Finnish university of applied sciences, and need to be so during the completion of the studies. You need to have attained at least 10 ECTS of studies within commercial law or law studies (university level) before the registration for the courses has ended. The registration to the courses is done by an electronic form. The 15 first eligible students to sign up will be offered the possibility to study commercial law at Hanken, during the two following academic years.
How can I register?
The registration for the study module (Commercial Law on MSc level) will open in the spring. You can register by filling in the electronic registration form through You will need to enclose a link to your studies in My Studyinfo-service or a scanned copy of your official stamped transcript of records, and/or certificate of enrolment in order to prove that you are registered as present for the next academic year, and that you have attained the required 10 ECTS of studies within commercial law or law (university level) in order to enroll. The registration ends when 15 eligible students have signed up to the study modules or at the latest 31 July.
What is offered to those who have signed up to the courses?
The 15 first and eligible students to sign up on the electronic form, can choose from a wide variety of courses within commercial law on MSc level. You can take part in up to 60 ECTS worth of the defined courses per academic year at a maximum. Note that you can only sign up to the courses defined as courses belonging to the study module (thus, you cannot, as an example, study French at Hanken by signing up to the study module, since French classes are not defined as courses within the module). There may be more courses offered than 60 ECTS per year.
How can you gain admission to MSc studies after completing 40 ECTS?
Notice! Information on how to apply for degree studies after completed study module is being updated!
You are eligible to apply for Masters studies based on the study module if you have:
- attained at least a BSc degree from a recognised university, or university of applied sciences before the actual degree studies start (last possible graduation date is 31 July that year),
- attained at least 40 ECTS of the study module's courses within two academic years (all courses need to be completed and registered on the applicant's transcript not later than beginning of June ~ 10.6.2025),
- at least good as a GPA from the courses/40 ECTS (at least 3 out of 5),
- fulfill the language requirements in Swedish before the application time ends,
- send in your application through Opens in new window before the application deadline (application period 11.3 – 25.3.2025 at 3 pm),
then you will be offered admission to study Commercial Law, for studies in Swedish [Handelsrätt], on MSc level at Hanken. Note that this module is not designed to enable admission to the English MSc track in IP Law, nor for MSc studies in Commercial Law offered in English.
If the applicant has not been able to complete 40 ECTS within two academic years (or if the courses have not been registered on his/her transcript before the deadline) with a GPA of at least good, the applicant cannot sign up to another two-year period, and try to attain the missing courses, or re-take courses in order to gain higher grades, and then based on the courses attained during this second two-year period try to apply for admission. Admission can only be granted based on studies attained during the applicant's first two-year period.
The language requirement in Swedish can, as an exception, be fulfilled by the applicant by completing at least 10 ECTS worth of courses in Swedish, from the study module, with at least the grade good in all the courses that make up the 10 ECTS.
Note that most of the offered courses are in Swedish, and that this admission criteria has been designed to ensure applicants to studies within Commercial Law within the Swedish MSc programme. An applicant cannot fulfill the language requirement in Swedish and then be admitted to the English MSc programme and vice versa.
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