Management and Organisation
The subject of Management and Organisation (M&O) is the largest within the department and nurtures a strong community of researchers and teachers. The volume and range of our research activities is vast, and it is reflected in our courses in Bachelor and Master studies. Our teaching is characterized by variety, covering issues within people management and HRM as well as strategy and strategic management, international business, responsibility, sustainability, and business ethics.
Scholars associated with the subject publish articles in leading international academic journals. They also publish books with international publishers. All publications can be found in our research database HARIS.
Our scholars engage in active collaboration with other universities and business schools around the world. We also have excellent collaboration with companies and other organizations, which offer timely and relevant real life cases for our courses.
Studies in Management and Organisation offer students up-to-date research-based and practically applicable knowledge about managing complex organisations in the global economy. While our bachelor studies are offered mostly in Swedish, most courses on master level are offered in English. In our master’s programme in Helsinki, the two main specialization areas are (1) People management and HRM and (2) Strategy. In Vaasa the specialisation is more general focusing on strategy and sustainability.
We also offer a master’s programme on International Strategy and Sustainability (IS&S). It has since its inception in 2007 attracted many students from Finland and abroad. The program offers cutting edge knowledge and courses in a variety of topics related to sustainability and responsibility from a strategic perspective. More information about the English master's programme can be found here.
In Vaasa we offer together with the department of Marketing a fully English-speaking master´s programme in Marketing and Management. The two year program offers master courses in, for example, strategy, sustainability, service marketing, and market shaping. More information about the English master program can be found here.
More information about both Bachelor and Masters studies can be found here.
We have an active doctoral studies programme. Every year, on average 2-3 doctoral researchers defend their theses in Management and Organisation.
Contact persons:
Professor Mats Ehrnrooth
Professor Jennie Sumelius
Alumni interview
Einar Nordström, PMO specialist, Roschier
Why did you choose your particular major?
- I’ve always been fascinated by business management and the start-up world, and the idea of perhaps one day founding my own company has been a strong motivator for me. Choosing management and organisation as my major felt natural because it gave me a broad understanding of how businesses work, both in terms of organisation and leadership.
How did you make your decision?
- During my bachelor's studies, my major was commercial law, but once I completed those studies, I wanted to broaden my skill set. I also began studying law at the University of Helsinki at the same time and looked for a major that would complement my legal education. The introduction to management and organisation during my bachelor’s studies really caught my interest. I discovered it was the subject I was most passionate about, which made the choice both logical and inspiring.
How has your choice of major affected your career?
- I’ve always combined my studies with work, often in smaller companies where responsibilities are broader. This gave me a unique opportunity to apply what I learned in management and organisation. My major has strengthened my career by providing tools for project management, stakeholder management, analytical thinking, and strategic planning. At the same time, my work experiences have enriched my studies, creating a mutual development process. Today, in my role at Roschier, I draw on insights from my major daily.
What are the most important skills your major and studies at Hanken have given you for your professional life?
- The most important skill I’ve gained is undoubtedly the ability to think analytically. Hanken offers a broad education where you get to try out many different areas. Even courses that might not feel immediately relevant contribute to developing your ability to process and analyse information. Additionally, I’ve learned how to combine theory with practical applications, which is invaluable in the workplace.
Do you have any tips for students considering choosing management and organization as their major?
- My best advice is to choose courses that combine theory with practice. Many FLO courses start with theoretical foundations and then students get to apply them through group projects, analyses, or company visits. The practical elements not only deepen your understanding of the subject but also provide skills you can use directly in your career. It’s also a great way to discover what truly interests you and what you want to focus on going forward.