News Archive

The project highlights Finland as a solid example of effective and timely policy decisions due to availability of data. The aim is to support fast decision making amid the coronavirus crisis.
Doktorsdisputation på Hanken
"Stockmann's is always Stockmann's" was the famous department store slogan in the 1950s. New research shows that Stockmann’s introduced marketing thought in Finland even before marketing was established as an own discipline.
Hankens ytterdörr
The Finnish universities are following up on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and are carefully preparing for the practical arrangements of student admissions under these exceptional circumstances. Universities are preparing for different scenarios in close collaboration with Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education in compliance with the authorities’ instructions. Any entrance exam changes will be reported by 15 April.
Hankens flaggor vajar i vinden mot en blå himmel med lite moln.
The national joint application to higher education ended on 1 April, with record-breaking amount of applicants to Hanken’s BSc and MSc programme with teaching in Swedish. The number of applications has steadily increased every year for the last three years.
Cata Portin
Working from home can help us find new habits preparing us for the future of work, says Assistant Professor Emma Nordbäck.
The researchers and experts at Hanken are available to the media in connection with the Corona virus epidemic – in Finnish, Swedish and English. Our expertise include consumer, entrepreneurial and business behaviour.
Biblioteket tidskriftshylla och padda
Several publishers and suppliers have opened their collections of e-journals and ebooks free of charge during the current corona pandemic.
Doktorsdisputation på Hanken
Have you ever heard about a smartphone app from a friend and thought that it sounds great, you must download that, too? There are several ways for customers to experience smartphone apps, some of which can be surprising for app developers.
Karen Spens i Hankens korridor.
Rector's greetings to students and staff during the corona epidemic.
Hanken remote-kampanjen på sociala medier
Hanken's staff and students in Helsinki and Vaasa will work and study from home starting from 13.3.2020. While Hanken's buildings are quiet, the organisation is up and running – remotely! In order to support the Hanken spirit we are launching the campaign #hankenremote!
news nyheter
How to get help with replacing print material with digital sources
Information gällande coronaviruset
Hanken goes for online teaching in P4.
Simon Karlsson är årets Anders Wall-stipendiat 2020
This year’s Anders Wall scholarship is awarded to Hanken student Simon Karlsson. The scholarship of 125 000 SEK is one of the biggest ones awarded to a student at Hanken.
Flaggor utanför Hankens huvudbyggnad
The HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics is the co-ordinator of the Horizon 2020 research project Health Emergency Response in Interconnected Systems (HERoS) in connection to the present corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak. The project involves 11 partners from six countries and has a total budget of 2,8 MEUR over three years.
Samuel Lammi from Bloomberg presents the new Bloomberg terminals in Quantum
Utbytesstudenter vid Hanken höstterminen 2019
Hanken scores really well in the latest exchange student survey among students that visited Hanken during autumn 2019. A total of 96% of the 88 respondents would recommend Hanken as host university for exchange studies, and the feedback on courses, small teaching groups and Hanken's webpage was very positive.
Publish gold and hybrid open access with discounts on APCs and Hanken’s central fund for APCs.
Camilla Wardi och Karen Spens intill ALfred Bomans målning utan titel (2014)..jpg
Rector Karen Spens has been elected to the AACSB Board of Directors of the accreditation organisation AACSB. The AACSB accreditation is regarded as a hallmark of excellence in business education.
Hanken byggnaden utifrån med flaggor & centrets logo
A standardized and open ESG data register would facilitate the increasing ESG-informed decision-making and sustainable investments worth up to 260 billion euros annually at EU level only.
Estlands president Kersti Kaljulaid står på scenen i festsalen med sin doktorshatt och sitt diplom.
During the Partner Assembly on 6 February, the Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid was conferred as Honorary Doctor. She was conferred for her contribution to promote digitalisation.