Outgoing Students

Information about what QTEM offers students at Hanken.
There will be no application round to apply for QTEM exchange as Hanken terminates membership in the network after the academic year 2024/2025.

Gain analytical skills, international and multicultural experience

As a third year bachelor student or first year master student at Hanken, majoring in Accounting, Economics or Finance, you can apply to the QTEM Masters Network.

The network brings together outstanding students, academic partners and international corporations. Taking part in the QTEM Masters programme means that you are awarded a QTEM Master’s Network Certificate in addition to your degree from Hanken.

On the QTEM pages you can read more about the network, application process and you'll find the exchange destinations under "Academic Partners".

What does QTEM offer Hanken students?

  • Membership in an international, exclusive network
  • Internationalisation of own home master’s degree
  • Improvement in analytical skills within quantitative subjects
  • In addition to a master’s diploma from Hanken, you get a QTEM certificate proving your analytical skills
  • Great educational foundation to work with quantitative and analytical tasks after graduation

More Information

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