Additional Resources

Members of the Hanken Business Lab gets access to a Lab Kit that consists of a wide variety of service providers. The Lab Kit supports the growth of the Hanken Business Lab members by giving them access to high-quality digital services. As an approved member of Hanken Business Lab, you will have access to all the services listed below.

The ENGAGE.EU Hot-Desk Initiative

The ENGAGE.EU Hot-Desk Initiative aims to foster the collaboration between the entrepreneurship activities of the ENGAGE.EU Universities. It can be sharing best practices on university incubation among staff, and enabling start-ups or scale-ups from different universities to internationalise their operations across Europe. Read more about the Hot-Desk Initiative here.

Go-to-Sweden Manual

One very central part of the Hanken Business Lab is to enable the growth of our incubated members. Growth possibilities are present both on a national and international level, and therefore we created a Go-to-Sweden Manual.

As Hanken is the Swedish speaking business school located in Helsinki we have a natural connection to our Swedish speaking neighbours across the Baltic sea. The Go-to-Sweden Manual was created with the purpose to foster Hanken Business Lab members expansion possibilities to Sweden. The manual was structured in order to function as a tool that can support anyone looking to expand their operations to Sweden.

Stanford Life Design Lab

Our work at Hanken Business Lab recognised as a case study at Stanford Life Design Lab.

Read more on their website.

Anders Wall Scholarship

Anders Wall Scholarship of 200 000 SEK

Are you an active Hanken student who engages in various projects or entrepreneurship? Then apply for the Anders Wall scholarship of 200 000 SEK! The scholarship is one of the largest given to a student at Hanken and is granted to a Hanken student who shows entrepreneurial skills as well as good study results.

The scholarship aims at encouraging young ambitious people to develop their entrepreneurship.

Who can apply? All bachelor and master students at Hanken registered as present.

The scholarship offers excellent opportunities for contacts and regional networks. The holders of Anders Wall scholarships, Wallumni, come from Finland, Sweden and the Baltic States.

More information can be found here

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Are you either an aspiring entrepreneur with less than three years of experience or an entrepreneur with a company of minimum three years of experience looking to expand your business or get some new ideas?

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a European cross-border exchange programme for entrepreneurs. The European Commission will help finance the entrepreneur’s exchange (600-1000+ €/month) that will last for a period of 1 to 6 months.

To get more information about the programme please visit or be in direct contact with Finland’s local contact point Heidi Lampinen: tel. +358 440 361 619 or e-mail