Internship grant

Students at Hanken can apply for a grant for an internship abroad or in Finland (only for non-Finnish students). Please read the requirements to receive an internship grant carefully.

On this page you can find all the info you need regarding the application of an internship grant.

For you to be eligible for a promise for an internship grant, you need to meet the following requirements

  • You are enrolled at Hanken for full-time degree studies
  • Your study right extends throughout the duration of the internship
  • You have not already received a grant from Hanken (internship or exchange studies) at the same study level (Bachelor/Master)
  • You who study on Bachelor level have to meet the same application requirements as for exchange studies (except for the language requirements) by the end of the first application period. Bachelor’s students on their first year (after 1 present semester) who have completed 30 credits of the obligatory courses by 31 December on their first year do not need to follow these pre-requirements. Please note! The rule of 30 credits applies only for students in the Swedish speaking bachelor's programs.
  • You who study on Bachelor level, have not already completed the course Internship Abroad on Bachelor Level
  • You who have completed a Bachelor Degree at Hanken and are continuing with your graduate studies, must have graduated before the application deadline in order to be eligible to apply for a grant for advanced internship
  • You who study on Master’s level can only receive an internship grant for an internship that takes place within May to August between your first and second year at Hanken (two semesters present on Masters's level)
  • You who study on Master’s level, have not already completed either the course Advanced Internship in [major subject] or Advanced Internship Abroad in [major subject] (you can only complete one of these courses on Masters's level. Your internship needs to be a part of one of these courses). 

Please note! All Bachelor's students that meet the requirements above are awarded with a promise of an internship grant because the internship constitutes an obligatory part of their studies. Master's students who meet the requirements above can receive a promise of an internship grant as long as the internship resources last. In case the internship resources are not enough to cover the grants for all Master's students who meet the requirements, we will rank the students according to the amount of study credits by 30 December of the previous year. The students with the most credits will be prioritized. All students who are awarded with a promise of an internship grant still need to fulfill the requirements below of the internship in order to be able to use the promise of the internship grant. 

For you to be able to use your promise for an internship grant, your internship must

  • be abroad*
  • take place when you are registered as present 
  • take place within May-August (the minimum stay needs to fall between these days so 90 days for Bachelor's students and 60 days for Master's students)
    • Exception: internships at a Finnish embassy or an EDUFI internship
  • be done in one take, full-time and with only one employer
  • be accepted in your degree on Master's level by the internship supervisor at your department either as the course Advanced Internship in [major subject] or Advanced Internship Abroad in [major subject] by signing the Learning Agreement (please note that you can only complete one of these courses on Masters's level)
  • be accepted in your degree on Bachelor's level by the internship supervisor at your department as the course Internship Abroad on Bachelor Level
  • be a minimum of 90 days long on the Bachelor's level and a minimum of 60 days long on the Master's level (these minimum days must fall within the months of May-August)
  • a maximum of 364 days long
  • get paid at least a minimum wage determined annually by Kela. The scholarship covers the difference up to 2000 euros/month.

*Not required of internships by non-Finnish students 


All Bachelor's students that meet the requirements for a promise of an internship grant are awarded with a promise of an internship grant because the internship constitutes an obligatory part of their studies. Master's students who meet the same requirements can receive a promise of an internship grant as long as the internship resources last. In case there are not enough internship resources to cover the grants for all Master's students who meet the requirements, we will rank the students according to the amount of study credits by 30 December of the previous year. The students with the most credits will be prioritized. All students who are awarded with a promise of an internship grant still need to fulfil the requirements for the internship in order to be able to use the promise of the internship grant.

Apply for a grant in the Mobility Online portal within the application period. Choose the tab labeled Internship Grant Application. Then proceed to apply for a internship grant from either category 1, 2 or 3. If you are interested to apply in several categories, you must send a separate application for each category.

The categories:

1. Member states of the EU (not Finland), EES/EFTA- countries Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and Macedonia and Turkey as well as Erasmus collaboration country UK. 
2. Other countries abroad (Outside of Europe and e.g. Switzerland)
3. Finland (restricted to non-Finnish citizens studying in one of the masters programs in English)

You can apply for an internship grant twice a year. The first application round is at the same time as the application for exchange study spots. The application rounds are the following:

First application round: 17 December 2024 - 3 February 2025 
The second application round: 3 March - 17 March 2025

During one application round you can apply only for one grant, either an internship grant or for exchange studies. Please note that you can only receive one grant for either an internship or exchange during each study level.

If you qualify for a grant, you will receive a promise of a grant from Hanken. The promise means that you as a student have fulfilled the requirements to get a grant and that grant resources have been reserved for you. Please note that your internship still needs to fulfil the requirements for you to be able to use your promise for the internship grant. You can read all the requirements in the first topic on this page called "Am I qualified?". You will need to inform us of your internship position the latest on 15 April 2025. Please keep the following in mind:

  • You do not need to have an internship position agreed upon when applying. 
  • The internship have to take place within May-August for you to be able to get a grant (the minimum required stay has to be during this time)
    • Exception: Internships at a Finnish embassy or an EDUFI internship
  • When you apply for an grant for an internship on bachelors level of your studies it must constitute your mandatory term abroad.
  • When you apply for a grant you accept Hanken's terms and conditions for awarding internship grant: 

Before your grant can be paid to you, you have to inform Career Services about your internship position through the Mobility Online portal. This should be done by 15 April 2025. Below you can find careful instructions on what you should do before, during and after your internship. 

Before the internship or 15 April the latest

Upload section 01 of the ”Learning Agreement” in Mobility Online. The document will be sent to you as an attachment to your promise of an internship grant. It is by returning section 01 of the "Learning Agreement" that you agree upon your internship.

Please remember that the Learning Agreement should be uploaded to Mobility Online the latest on 15 April. You can print out the document and fill it in by hand and then scan it. Make sure that you have all the necessary information filled in. For internships within the EU e.g. it is a requirement that you have health, accident and liability insurance during your internship period. You can read more about insurances below on this page. Also make sure that you have all the three following signatures on your Learning Agreement:

1. Your own signature
2. A representant of the internship organisation
3. Your internship supervisor at Hanken (you can find who this is under the internship course of your major subject in Sisu). It is this person who accepts the contents of your internship.

Also by 15 April, you should make sure to fill in information on your internship in Mobility Online under the step "Fill in data concerning the internship (Student)". 

When you have uploaded your Learning Agreement and filled in information on your internship in Mobility Online, you can wait for us to check through them and send you the Grant Agreement by email. Please note that we handle the documents manually and therefore it may take up to 1-2 weeks for us to go through them. During the summer this can take longer, as we do not handle any documents during July. 

Sign your Grant Agreement and upload it to Mobility Online

Career Services will send you your Grant Agreement per email where you will see how big your grant is. Please read the document carefully, print it out and sign it. You can then scan it and save it, and upload it to Mobility Online under the step "Sign and upload grant agreement for internship (Student)".

Before you can upload the document you must have completed the previous step in Mobility Online, which is "Confirm sufficient insurance coverage (Student)". This means that you shall confirm that you have sufficient insurance for your internship period. This applies to internships within Category 1 (within the EU), since there is a requirement that you must have health, accident and liability insurance during your internship period. If your internship constitutes an obligatory part of your Bachelor studies, you will be provided withe health and accident insurance, but not liability insurance. You can read more about insurances below on this page.

When you have uploaded your Grant Agreement

After you have completed all the steps above, your grant will be ready for payment. Pleased note however, that the grant administration is done manually by Career Services and therefore the payment will be done only after we have had the time to process all your documents. 

In case there are changes of +-5 days on the length of your internship period after you have received your grant

Send section 02 of the "Learning Agreement", e.g. ”Exceptional Changes to Original Internship Programme" with a signature from your internship company to Career Services for approval if your internship period length has changed by +-5 days. Then upload the document with both signatures to Mobility Online. If your internship will be shorter by more than five days, but is still long enough according to the requirements (90 days for Bachelor students and 60 days for Master's student), you will only have to repay a small amount of your grant. However, in case your internship will be shorter than the minimum required, you are required to fully reimburse your grant. 

After the internship

Return section 03 of the "Learning Agreement", i.e. ”Internship Certificate” signed by a representative at the internship organization within 30 days after you have completed the internship period. You return it by uploading it to Mobility Online under the step "Upload Internship Certificate (Student)". 

In order to get your study credits (which is a requirement for getting a grant), you have to return an internship report to your internship supervisor. More information about the internship report can be found in SISU and can be agreed upon with the internship supervisor.

If your internship was within Category 1, you will receive a feedback survey by email from Erasmus after your internship. It is obligatory to respond within 30 days after the completed internship. For Category 2 and 3 you should respond to the feedback form in Mobility Online.

Please note! It is important that you complete all the above steps carefully. You might be obliged to reimburse your grant if all steps are not completed.


Erasmus+ grant

The grant will be paid in one go after you have submitted all necessary documents and they have been processed. The monthly grant for internships is currently 690EUR/month. An exception are the following countries for which the grant is 640EUR/month: Spain, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Lativa, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary and Estonia. 

The minimum length of the internship for bachelor students is 90 days and therefore the grant will be at least calculated for 90 days. The total grant sum for bachelor students completing their compulsory semester abroad as an internship, is always rounded up to at least 2200EUR. The minimum length of the internship for master's students is 60 days and therefore the grant will be at least calculated for 60 days, and up to 90 days in case the internship is longer and all the 90 days take place within May-August. The grant can in some cases be calculated by up to 120 days for both bachelor and master's students in case the internship period takes place completely within May-August and if there are sufficient grant funds available.

In addition to the monthly grant, two grant days for travelling from your home to your internship destination, as well as a travelling grant depending on the distance between your home city and your internship destination (varies between 28-1735€) will be added to internships within the EU that are starting 1 June 2024 or later. You do not need to apply for the grant separately, it is automatically taken into consideration if it applies to you. If you choose to travel in a green manner, you will have the chance to get a bigger traveling grant, if you can prove after the internship that you have travelled green. Read more about green travel below on this page.

Should I apply separately for an Erasmus grant?

No you do not need to. If you do your internship abroad and within the EU you will automatically obtain the Erasmus+ grant from Hanken without having to apply for it separately.

The European Union offers internship grants to students at such universities that have gained a so called "Erasmus University Charter". That means that Hanken annually obtains funds for students that do internships in another European country.

For more information about Erasmus+ please check the European Commission’s web site.

Each Erasmus+ student will be given an Erasmus+ Student Charter by their sending university after their selection. You will get it in the same email as your Grant Agreement. The Student Charter highlights the rights and obligations of students participating in Erasmus+. It informs Erasmus+ students about what they are entitled to and what is expected of them during their secondment for a traineeship.

In particular, the Erasmus+ Student Charter outlines the basic entitlements of the Erasmus+ students, such as full recognition of traineeship abroad. The Charter also specifies the main obligations of the Erasmus+ students, providing them with a concise idea of their duties with regard to both their sending and receiving enterprise. You can also find the Erasmus+ Student Charter below:

Grants for internships in Finland or outside the EU

The grant can only be used if the intern receives at least a minimum wage for their internship as determined annually by Kela. The scholarship covers the difference up to 2000 euros/month.

Internship within Category 1

If you are traveling on an internship within Category 1, so within the EU, you need to have a valid health, liability and accident insurance for the whole duration of the traineeship according to European Commission’s regulations. Hanken offers health and accident insurance to Bachelor students who are conducting the internship as their obligatory semester abroad. Please not that Hanken does not offer liability insurance. If your employer does not offer liability insurance, you must take care of it yourself. You can contact your trade union or also your insurance company to ask whether liability insurance can be included in your travel or home insurance plan. Please also note that Hanken's health and accident insurance is fairly limited and e.g. does not cover your luggage or private travel elsewhere during the internship, so we encourage you to also take travel insurance for the duration of your internship. 

Master's students must take care of insurance on their own in case their employer does not offer insurance. Typically the employer might offer one, two or all of the above mentioned insurances, but not always. You can take care of the health insurance by getting a European Health Insurance Card from Kela.  You can contact your trade union or also your insurance company to ask whether liability insurance can be included in your travel or home insurance plan. We recommend that you either way also take a travel insurance because the European Health Insurance Card does e.g. not cover sick transportation from abroad to Finland. 

Internship within Category 2 and 3

If you are traveling outside the EU or have an internship in Finland, Hanken does not require that you have an insurance. However, when you are traveling outside of Finland, we always recommend you to get travel insurance. 

Students with special needs or disabilities that go for an internship to an EU country can apply for an additional grant amount.

If you would like to apply for this additional grant, please contact the International coordinator at Hanken ( for more information.

Green Erasmus

The Erasmus+ programme for the period 2021–2027 places special emphasis on inclusion, digitalisation, environmental friendliness and participation in society. One way of promoting environmentally responsible internationalisation is to decrease the carbon footprint of periods abroad by favouring environmentally friendly modes of travel. The programme will also increase the environmental awareness of participants and organisations and their commitment to sustainable development.

Since the summer 2023 students receiving an Erasmus+ internship grant have been able to apply for a Green Travel top-up if they have used environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for their trip to and from their host country. Green travel is defined as travel that uses low-emission means of transport such as bus, rail, or carpooling and at least half of the trip has been conducted in this manner. Environmentally friendly mobilities have been supported with a one-time top-up of 50 euro and up to 4 days of additional individual support to cover for travel days. The top-up travel support is paid after the exchange once the student has submitted an application and a receipt or similar evidence confirming the travel arrangements. Please note that the main part of the travel or at least one direction of the round trip has been made using low-emissions means of transport. For internships that start on 1 June 2024 or later, the Green Travel top-up can vary from 56-1735€ depending on the distance between your home city and the internship city. On top of that you will receive additional support for the extra travel days (0-6 days). You can read more about the Green Erasmus project here.

Please note that the Erasmus+ additional grant for green travel is for internships in EU countries, but not Finland.

Interrail Global Pass for internships within the EU

Good news for students considering traveling to their exchange or internship sustainably! The Erasmus Student Network, in collaboration with EUrail, has launched a so-called Interrail Global Pass, tailored to participants in the Erasmus+ program.

With this Interrail pass, you can travel sustainably in Europe by train for 4 or 6 days within six months. Additionally, those under 28 are eligible for the regular Interrail offers, making the pass even more affordable. Read more here.


Studiefonden - grants support for full time university studies. The applicant shall be a Finnish citizen or permanently residing in Finland and have Swedish as their mother tongue or study language.The Studiefonden website is available in Swedish.

Ekonomföreningen Niord  Opens in new window  -  Niord gives out grants to its junior members for the obligatory semester abroad (either exchange or internship) both in the spring and the autumn. Niord informs about the grants in their Niordbladet magazine, on the Niord website. Hanken's student union also informs about this on their website. The Niord website is available in Swedish. - a website that helps you find different grants and scholarships. The website is available in Swedish.