Timetable for graduation

On this page you will find the timetable for the graduation process.

In the timetable below, you can see by when you need to submit your Master's thesis in order to graduate on a certain graduation date. You should apply for degree certificate according to the timetable further down this page. The graduation dates are the same for master's and doctoral degrees. Please note that the deadlines for submitting your master's thesis and applying for the degree certificate online are absolute and no exceptions will be made. Your thesis supervisor does not have the power to alter these deadlines. If your thesis is submitted later than the deadline then your thesis will not be processed until the next Education Council meeting.

Timetable for 2025

Submit Master's Thesis Apply for Degree Certificate online Education Council meeting Finalise your application in Sisu Official graduation date Graduation ceremony The Degree Certificate can be picked up starting from
Sun 31.12.2024

Thu 16.1.2025

27-29.1.2025 Thu 6.2.2025 Fri 24.1.2025*   Thu 6.3.2025
Fri 31.1 Thu 20.2 26-28.2 Thu 6.3 Thu 27.3   Thu 27.3
Fri 28.2 Thu 20.3 26-28.3 Tue 1.4 Thu 24.4   Thu 24.4
Mon 31.3 Thu 17.4 28-30.4 Fri 2.5 Thu 22.5   Thu 22.5
Weds 30.4 Thu 15.5 28-30.5 Tue 3.6 Tue 17.6 Weds 18.6 Thu 19.6 (unless you are attending the graduation ceremony)
Sat 31.5 Thu 31.7 25-27.8 Sun 31.8 Thu 31.7**

Thu 2.10 Vaasa

Fri 3.10 Helsinki

Tue 7.10 (unless you are attending the graduation ceremony)
Thu 31.7 Thu 31.7 25-27.8 Sun 31.8 Thu 31.7**

Thu 2.10 Vaasa

Fri 3.10 Helsinki

Tue 7.10 (unless you are attending the graduation ceremony)
Sun 31.8 Thu 18.9 24-26.9 Thu 2.10 Thu 16.10   Thu 16.10
Tue 30.9 Thu 16.10 29-31.10 Tue 4.11 Thu 20.11   Thu 20.11
Fri 31.10 Thu 20.11 26-28.11 Tue 2.12 Thu 18.12   Thu 18.12
Weds 31.12   ...2026 TBC TBC    


* Information about the graduation date 24.1.2025

If you have applied to graduate on 24.1.2025, you will receive your degree certificate on Thursday 6.3.2025 at the earliest. The official graduation date will be 24.1.2025, but the degrees will not be registered and visible in Sisu until the end of February.


** Information about the graduation date 31.7.2025

In order to graduate within the academic year 2024-2025, you must complete all the studies required for graduation by 31.7.2025. In addition, you must apply for your degree certificate, hand in your master's thesis and write your maturity exam by 31.7.2025 at the latest. You can apply for the degree certificate even if  your thesis has not yet been approved, as long as you have handed in the thesis and written your maturity exam by 31.7. Your official graduation date will be 31.7.2025, but you will receive your degree certificate in October 2025.

Only under exceptional circumstances can temporary degree certificates for the date 31.7.2025 be issued ahead of the graduation ceremony in October 2025; for example, if you have been conditionally accepted to a higher education programme which starts during autumn 2025. A temporary degree certificate may be issued between 31.7 and the graduation ceremony in October 2025, given that your study plan is correct, all required courses are graded and visible in Sisu, and you have finalised your graduation application in Sisu. If you have handed in your master's thesis between 1.5 and 31.7.2025, the earliest we can issue a temporary degree certificate is 28.8.2025. 

If you need a temporary degree certificate, please contact the study counsellors (studycounsellor-hki@hanken.fi) ahead of time, preferably already in June, to discuss the details.

Timetable 2025


Apply for 
Certificate online
The Degree certificate
can be picked
up starting from

Thu 16.1.2025

Fri 24.1.2025

´Thu 6.3.2025

Thu 20.2

Thu 27.3

Thu 27.3

Thu 20.3

Thu 24.4

Thu 24.4
Thu 17.4 Thu 22.5 Thu 22.5
Thu 15.5

Tue 17.6

Thu 19.6
Thu 31.7 Thu 31.7 Tue 7.10
Thu 18.9 Thu 16.10 Thu 16.10
Thu 16.10 Thu 20.11 Thu 20.11
Thu 20.11 Thu 18.12 Thu 18.12


Week 11

10.03 Mon
11.03 Tue
12.03 Wed
13.03 Thu
14.03 Fri
15.03 Sat
16.03 Sun