How to donate
Received donations are directed to Hanken's core operations and support Hanken as an independent, Swedish-speaking and international business school.
1. Choose donation target
Donations to Hanken are directed towards two areas.
Direct support
- The funds go directly to investments in teaching, digitization and the learning environment.
The basic capital
- The basic capital provides continuous returns and is a long-term contribution to Hanken.
2. Choose donation method
You can donate online, via your bank or via MobilePay.
Online donation (by internet bank or credit card)
- This is the most simple way to donate.
Bank (Nordea)
- Account: FI28 1745 3000 0995 58
- Reference: Name and Address, and "OK" if you agree to your name being published on the donor website.
- To Hanken's number: 70043
- Please write your email address as a comment, "OK" if you agree to your name being published on the donor website.