| 25.08.2020

Special arrangements at Hanken as the new academic year started

Around 350 new students started their studies at Hanken in Helsinki and Vasa on 24 August 2020. This time, the start of the academic year is in many ways different compared to previous years due to the corona situation.

The new students are introduced to their studies 24–26 August 2020. The program is mainly held through Teams. The students also have a possibility to visit Hanken and meet each other, but only in smaller groups. However, also this part of the program can be followed online.

The teaching starts on 31 August. The students will be able to study remotely during the autumn, but teachers are also allowed to arrange in-class teaching and students may visit Hanken as long as strict arrangements of infection prevention are observed.

Access to the Hanken premises will require a Hanken key throughout the autumn term. The degree students’ and the international exchange students’ keys have already started working. Other students will not have access to the Hanken premises, unless an exception has been agreed in advance, for example for an examination.

The restaurant at Hanken opens on 25 August, but only for students and the staff.

The library at Hanken in Helsinki is open for degree students and international students. The lending service at the library is open normally 9–16. In addition, half of the self-study spots are available. Non-students will have to use the lending service remotely (for instructions, visit the web page of the library). In Vaasa, the library service is situated at Vaasa city library.

The two-metre safety distance rule applies in all Hanken facilities. We also want to remind everyone who visits Hanken of the importance of proper hand hygiene.