| 15.02.2022

Lime Technologies joins Hanken's partner programme

Lime Technologies' mission is to recruit more young talent to the IT industry. The company hopes to find new staff members via its partnership with Hanken.

Lime Technologies specializes in customer relationship management (CRM). CRM systems collect various customer data, with the aim of helping companies improve their customer relationships and sales. Founded in Sweden in 1990, the publicly-listed company first expanded into the Nordic countries and has now branched out into Continental Europe, recently opening offices in the Netherlands and Germany.

The company targets four major target audiences: the real estate industry, consulting companies, the energy industry, and sales within sectors such as industrial and construction.

Stefan Saxberg
Stefan Saxberg

"To succeed in our field, you need to have expertise in business, sales and marketing, so starting a collaboration with Hanken is a natural step," says Stefan Saxberg, Country Manager for Finland.

Since Lime Technologies is a growth company, recruitment is a central aspect of its collaboration with Hanken. The aim is to increase interest in the IT industry.

"We hope that the collaboration raises awareness about what we do. It is still a male-dominated industry, so we want to see women coming into the industry as well as men," Saxberg adds.

The company is not offering temporary project contracts - everyone is being offered employment for the time being. Lime Technologies has developed a one-year introductory programme with young people in mind.

"The programme gives you security when you are entering a new industry. We understand that it takes time to get started and network. You don't have that pressure on you to immediately have to generate major sales," Saxberg explains.

Sam Lindström
Sam Lindström

Sam Lindström started working as an Account Manager at Lime Technologies in August 2021.

"The introductory programme has been intense and fun. I have learnt a lot. CRM systems are an interesting product to sell, and you get to work flexibly and at your own pace, while also having a lot of support from your colleagues," Lindström says.

Nikoline Stenman-Möller, Planning Officer at Hanken, is pleased that Lime Technologies has chosen to join Hanken's partner programme. She looks forward to the collaboration.

"Our experiences of the partner programme have been positive. The basic idea is to collaborate with the business community, focusing on our students. In addition to being employed directly, students can e.g. have the opportunity to do an internship or summer job at the companies, or do their master's degree on a specific subject. We have had guest lecturers from our partner companies, and we also arrange various joint activities at Hanken with the companies," says Stenman-Möller.

A total of 18 companies are now part of the Hanken partner programme.