| 10.06.2021

Remote use of Quantum databases during the Summer 2021

Big screens at Quantum
Plan your remote database needs in advance! After 24th of June you will not get help in remote access until August.

If you have need of remote access of financial databases during the summer then you should get them before July!
Remote access to the majority of Quantum databases can be registered on your own, only Eikon and Bloomberg requires that you contact library@hanken.fi. If you have need of these databases during July contact us before June 24th so that we can give you remote access to the databases. For Bloomberg follow these instructions: https://www.hanken.fi/en/library/find-resources/financial-and-company-information#bloomberg

This also concerns the account for WRDS. If the account is created after June 24th there is no guarantee that the account is activated before August.