| 15.11.2019

New resources to tackle digitalization challenges within business studies ‒ Hanken becomes shareholder in Funidata

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Rector Karen Spens has today signed a contract stating that Hanken School of Economics will hereby become a shareholder of Funidata Oy, a university owned company who is currently developing the Sisu support tool system for university education.

Hanken becoming a shareholder in the company supports and enhances the focus on cooperation studies between the research-oriented universities in the capital area of Finland. Hanken´s participation also ensures that the special needs of business students are considered when designing the future support tools for studies and education.

As a shareholder and customer, Hanken gains access to a modern digital support system for teaching and studies.

“The decision will benefit our business students as they will get access to a modern and innovative tool. It will support their study progress and guide them through out their studies”, says rector Spens.

Founding members of Funidata were in 2016 Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä and University of Tampere. In 2017, LUT University and Tampere University of Technology also became shareholders. The company’s goal is to enhance cooperation in the offering of university studies and offer cost effective solutions to the university shareholder customers when developing a modern support tool system for university education.


For more information:

Linda Gerkman, Director, Hanken School of Economics, tel. 040 352 1366

Mika Peura, CEO, Funidata Oy, tel. 050 438 0797