New model for teaching awards

The new model consists of three levels in the shape of a pyramid. The lowest level is about promoting good teaching, the mid-level about rewarding merited teachers, and the top level about acknowledging excellent teachers. In addition to this, teachers can get a gold star in the student’s guide for courses that get high-level evaluations from students.
What is unique about this model, is that it is a comprehensive model where everything regarding teaching awards is included, says Åke Finne, lecturer in marketing and one of the initiators to the model.
– The model includes all forms of rewarding teachers, and explains what kind of rewards are given on the different levels. Some parts of the model are old awards that are included in the new model, for example the Teacher of the year that is granted by the student union, says Finne.
In practice, the model is about Hanken promoting teaching, by encouraging and rewarding the teachers on the three different levels. The lowest level is about encouraging teachers who are interested in pedagogics to study pedagogics and to develop as teachers. Teachers can also apply for funding from Rector to develop their courses.
The mid-level is about rewarding. At this level, teachers that are nominated by colleagues or that have applied for an award themselves are rewarded once a year. The reward Teacher of the year is included in this level, and a new form of rewarding academic research and publications, as publications on pedagogical research will be rewarded.
Time-bound salary supplement on the top level
The top level is about acknowledging excellent teachers with a salary supplement for four years within the scope of the universities’ existing salary system. To be rewarded on the top level, a teacher needs to have a lot of teaching experience and dedication to their work. They have to continuously develop their teaching and already received rewards on the lower levels.
To be rewarded on the top level also requires a minimum of 25 credits in pedagogical studies, and that you share your knowledge, for example by mentoring, participating in projects or by sharing your material. Teachers need to document and show their merits, and apply for the acknowledgment on the highest level themselves. A group of experienced teachers at Hanken does the evaluation.
The top level of the model is something completely new, says Åke Finne.
– This is something that no other model that I know of has in Finland. If you meet the criteria, you can get a salary supplement for four years. After four years a re-evaluation of your work is done, to see if you still fulfil the requirements. No one has received the acknowledgment on the top level yet.
Hanken has been using the new model for teacher awards since the autumn 2019.