
Hanken Business Lab organises a multitude of events throughout the year that gathers a wide range of participants.

Unicorn Night

Syftet är att samla ny undersökning, företag och studenter för att diskutera enhörningsfenomenet. The aim is to gather new research, companies and students to discuss the unicorn-phenomena. 

Unicorn Night is an event organised in conjunction with the annual entrepreneurial celebration, Slush Week. The event, which can be considered Hanken's piece of the cake, is organised in November and invites speakers and participants from all over the world. The focus of the evening is on the unicorn phenomenon, with an emphasis on the Nordic and Baltic countries. The goal is to introduce participants to the phenomenon and at the same time increase the entrepreneurial spirit in society. This is done by listening to both professors and doctors with new research results, but also through business-relevant guests. Since 2022, the event has been organised together with Silicon Vikings and Startup Estonia, providing the opportunity to host the final of a Nordic pitching competition.

Slush Sitz

In addition to Unicorn Night, three other events are organised during the week, EuroPitch, Slush Sitz, and HangÖver Party. The Slush Sitz aims to introduce international guests to Finnish student culture while enjoying each other's company in a more relaxed environment.


EuroPitch is an event organised during Slush Week together with Business Lab and ENGAGE.EU. This pitching event features startups from all around Europe, from the different universities within the ENGAGE.EU consortia.

More than that, EuroPitch also acts as an introduction to the Slush Week, as many of the startups from around Europe haven’t previously been to Slush, and this gives them a little taste of the Slush magic, without them purchasing a ticket to Slush.

HangÖver Party

The HangÖver Party is the final event of the week and takes place on Saturday morning after the rest of the programme. The aim of the HangÖver Party is to allow Slush participants to reflect on the insights and lessons learnt during the week. The discussions can be about anything and the threshold for asking questions is low. An excellent and relaxed event to end the week.


Community Events

Pitch Day - the Playground

The Pitch Day is one of the highlights during the Playground pre-incubator program. It’s the first time when the program participants pitch their business ideas publicly, that they have been working on throughout the pre-incubation program.

More than the program participants and our Business Lab team being present, we gather a panel of pitch judges for each Pitch Day, who will evaluate the pitches, give feedback, and choose a winner.

The Pitch Day is all good fun, meant to be a safe space and environment for the Playground participants to pitch their idea for the first time, so that they have experience from pitching and have received feedback on their pitch before they go out and pitch their ideas to potential investors and business partners.

Community Day - the community

Our Community Day is another highlight during the Playground pre-incubator program, that also entwines the incubation member companies. At Community Day, companies from both our pre-incubation and incubation take part and have the possibility to showcase their services and products for anyone who's interested.

More than that, the companies can also sell their services and products during Community Day, and might even find themselves a new investor or two if they’re lucky!