Master's studies (60 ECTS)
N.B.! The information on this page is only for students at the master's programme in Sustainability Reporting and Financial Analysis! |
Master's studies
The master's programme in Sustainability Reporting and Financial Analysis is a one year double degree programme in collaboration between Hanken in Vaasa and Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) at Umeå University. The programme comprises 60 ECTS and students spend the autumn term in Umeå and the spring term in Vaasa. Upon completion of the programme, students will receive two degrees, one from each business school.
The student workload is measured in credits. One credit at Hanken corresponds to one ECTS, which in turn corresponds to 27 hours of work. Full-time study equals approximately 30 credits per semester, or 60 credits per academic year.
The Sustainability Reporting and Financial Analysis programme will be taught in English, full-time and on-site in both Umeå and Vaasa.
Degree structure
Studies in Languages and Business Communication - mandatory for students with previous school education in FinlandIf you have received your previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland (diploma from lower secondary and/or upper secondary education), you must fulfil the requirements for language proficiency in Finnish and Swedish in accordance with the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003). If you have not fulfilled these requirements in your previous degree, you must do it as part of your master's degree at Hanken. You can read more about the requirements and how to fulfil them on the master's degree structure page. |