Grants and Teaching Awards

This page contains information about teaching awards and project funding at Hanken and the development of teaching

All teachers at Hanken must have a basic education in university pedagogy and be offered continuous pedagogical competence development. 

Hanken supports its teachers by offering various opportunities for pedagogical training and development in both Swedish and English. More information about pedagogical training can be found in Pedagogical Training for Hanken Teachers and Courses and further training

Teaching Lab offers training and support for lesson planning, use of digital teaching methods and tools (workshops, seminars, helpdesk sessions, tutorials, instructional videos, etc.)

Award and incentive pyramid for development of teaching at Hanken


Designed to encourage, reward, and publicly acknowledge sustained excellence in teaching at Hanken.

Hanken's reward and incentive pyramid for teaching development aims to encourage, reward, and publicly recognise sustained quality in teaching at Hanken. The different levels also aim to describe and visualise pedagogical knowledge and development among those who teach. 

Commited teachers: The first level is about encouraging teachers to become committed to teaching by continuing pedagogical training and professional development. Pedagogical development and engagement can also be related to applying for and receiving project funds to develop course materials and content. Good results in course evaluations also demonstrate commitment and interest in learning. 

Merited teachers: is a recognition of the commitment already demonstrated at the bottom level in the context of continued pedagogical and skills development. Hanken rewards successful teaching, research, and teachers.  

Excellent teachers: is a recognition and reward of pedagogical; knowledge, collaboration, development, and above all good quality of teaching.  

You can find more information on how to apply for awards, project funding and excellent teachers below. 

Hanken acknowledges top evaluated courses in the previous academic year, which have received:

  • at least 4 in average on all three questions included in the course evaluation form, as well as
  • teacher response to the feedback received in the evaluation form, and
  • at least 35% response rate to the evaluation

=> the course is mentioned in Sisu and published here on the web

Courses with top evaluations 2023-24: 

17035 (2024/P3) Sustainable Finance, Winter School (Non-degree students only), Helsinki
17011 (2023/P1-P2) Empirical Methods in Finance, Vasa
1738 (2023/P2) Corporate Finance, Vasa
1711 (2023/P1) Lönsamhetsbedömning, Vasa

17017 (2024/P3-P4) Mathematical and Quantitative Finance, Hki
17020 (2023/P1) Corporate Governance, Vasa

18001 (2023/P1-P2) Kandidatavhandling i entreprenörskap och företagsledning, Hfors
18031 (2023/P1) Advanced Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Hfors

21020 (2024/P3) Research Methods in Accounting, Hki
21037 (2024/P3) Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, Hki
21017 (2023/P2) Revisionens grunder, Vasa
21025 (2023/P1) Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation, Hfors & Vasa

22036 (2023/P1) Nordic Organisations in Contemporary Business World, Vaasa
22036 (2023/P1) Nordic Organisations in Contemporary Business World, Hki
22028 (2024/P4) Personnel Assessment, Hki
22093 (2024/P4) Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Vaasa
22021 (2024/P4) Strategisk ledning, Hfors
22034 (2024/P4) Strategic International Human Resource Management, Hki
22087 (2024/P3) Sustainable Organising in Times of Crisis, Hki & Vaasa
22038 (2023/P2) International Business, Vasa
22038 (2023/P2) International Business, Hfors
22048 (2023/P1) Leadership, Hfors
22025 (2023/P1) Strategic Thinking, Vaasa
22044 (2023/P1) Research Methods in Management and Organisation, Hfors

22022 (2023/P1) Organisationspsykologi
22095 (2024/P4) Managing Sustainable Business Development
22026 (2024/P3) Strategic Foresight, Hki

23153 (2024/P4) Digital Technologies in Marketing, Hki
23170 (2023/P1-P2) Research Seminar in Marketing, Hfors
23105 (2023/P2) Customer-Driven Service Strategy, Hfors
23158 (2023/P1) Customer Experience Management, Hfors
23151 (2023/P1) Service Management, Hfors
23161 (2023/P1) Responsible Marketing, Helsinki
23159 (2023/P1-P2) Consumption, Markets and Culture, Vasa

26086 (2024/P3) Economics of Organisation and Information, Hki

37054 (2024/S2) Legal Design in the Framework of Law and Economics Theory on Commercial Contracts, Hki & Vaasa
37056 (2024/P4) Law and Quantum, Hki & Vaasa

38015 (2023/P2) Supply Chain Strategy for Sustainability, Hfors
38018 (2023/P1) Supply Chain Risk and Resilience, Hfors
38013 (2023/P1) Supply Chain Management, Hfors

5553 (2024/P3-P4) Deutsch V-1: Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation, Hfors & Vasa
5546 (2023/P1-P2) Deutsch III A: Deutsch für Ökonomen, Vasa
5557 (2024/S2) Deutsch VI: Aktuelle Texte - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Hfors & Vasa

5716-3 (2024/P3) Suullinen yritysviestintä (äidinkieli suomi), Hfors
5716-2 (2024/P3) Suullinen yritysviestintä C, Hfors
5715-2 (2024/P3) Kirjallinen yritysviestintä C, Hfors
5715-3 (2023/P2) Kirjallinen yritysviestintä (äidinkieli suomi), Hfors
5716-1 (2023/P2) Suullinen yritysviestintä B, Hfors
5713 (2023/P2) Elementary Finnish I B, Hki
5712 (2023/P1) Elementary Finnish I A, Hki
5752 (2024/P3) Finnish 2, Hki

5215-B (2024/P3-P4) Franska III B - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5214-B-2 (2024/P3-P4) Franska II B - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5215-B-2 (2024/P3-P4) Franska III B - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5213-B-2 (2024/P3-P4) Franska I B - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa

5215-A (2023/P1-P2) Franska III A - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5214-A-2 (2023/P1-P2) Franska II A - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5213-A-2 (2023/P1-P2) Franska I A - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa
5226 FR IV-A-2 Automne 2023
5214-A (2023/P1-P2) Franska II A - Travailler en français en entreprise, Hfors & Vasa

5174 (2024/P4) Cultural Sustainability and Communication, Hki
5167 (2024/P4) Business Communication, Hki
5162 (2023/P2) Communication Clinic, Hki
5174 (2023/P1) Cultural Sustainability and Communication, Hki

5430 (2024/P3-P4) Español avanzado: ¡Vamos a negociar!, Hfors & Vasa
5401-B (2024/P3-P4) Español I B, Hfors
5401-A (2023/P1-P2) Español I A,  Hfors
5422 (2023/P1-P2)  Español II A, Hfors & Vasa

5643-1 (2024/P4) Svenska som andraspråk: Muntlig kommunikation, Hfors
5642-1 (2024/P4) Svenska som modersmål: Muntlig kommunikation, Vasa
5623-1B (2024/P4) Swedish as a Foreign Language 1B - Svenska som främmande språk 1B, Hki & Vaasa
5642-2 (2024/P3-P4) Svenska som modersmål: Skriftlig kommunikation, Hfors
5643-2 (2024/P3-P4) Svenska som andraspråk: Skriftlig kommunikation, Hfors
5659 (2024/P3) Swedish as a Foreign Language 1A - Svenska som främmande språk 1A, Hki & Vaasa
5642-1 (2024/P3) Svenska som modersmål: Muntlig kommunikation Hfors &amp Vasa
5659 (2023/P1) Swedish as a Foreign Language 1A - Svenska som främmande språk 1A, Vasa
5659 (2023/P1) Swedish as a Foreign Language 1A - Svenska som främmande språk 1A, Hfors

62352 (2023/P1-P2) Managing the Research Process, Hki & Vaasa
1124-OPU (2023/P1) Redovisningens grunder, Öppna universitetet
9998 (2024/P3) Orientation Course - Exchange studies at Hanken, Hki

Awarding successful development of teaching taking into account Hanken's strategic objectives

Teachers can be rewarded for successful development of teaching. The development must be in line with Hanken's strategic goals and can have different focuses in different years (innovative forms of learning, teaching materials, teaching collaboration,corporate connections, integration, outreach, a new program, etc.).

Nominations for awards can be made by heads of departments, subject managers, colleagues or the teacher himself. When the nomination is submitted by someone else, it is recommended that the nominee participate in the description of the progress and results achieved. The grounds for the nomination must be sufficiently clear and according to the instructions for the application for the committee to take a position on them in its assessment.

Awarded once/year at the Rector's Christmas coffee (announced in October on the web and in Teaching Lab's newsletter). The number awarded may vary depending on the nominations received.

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.

Criteria and application

  • development of teaching aligned with the competency goals set for the course
  • development of methods that support Hanken's teaching strategies, especially sustainability or experiential learning
  • international teaching cooperation, international learning experiences
  • cooperation with companies, relevance to business world
  • joint development projects shared between subjects and campuses
  • develpoment of innovative student learning which includes or uses new technology, for instance AI.

Have successfully developed something in your teaching that you want to put forward for an award? Or maybe you have a colleague you think deserves the award, who you can ask to submit an application or nominate?

Submit your application/nomination here by Nov 20, 2024 (form active from 1.10.2024)

Awarding Teachers of the Year in Helsinki and Vaasa

Elected by SHS and SSHV in both Helsinki and Vaasa
The awards are given at respective annual ball; the university pays a price sum

Awarding pedagogical research / publications

- Publications on pedagogical research (see, for example,

- Teaching material (books, programs, etc.)

Input in HARIS => included in the publication award model

Excellent teachers

Excellent teachers demonstrate genuine interest in teaching and student learning, and excellent results from this. They  perform beyond the "normal" teaching job, beyond what is included in the meritorious teacher level (such as successful development of individual courses already rewarded on the previous level). They systematically share their educational knowledge to improve the quality of teaching in general.

=>Teaching excellence is awarded with a time-bound salary supplement of 300 euros per month (for 4 years). Re-evaluated every 4th year.


A. Shows educational excellence

- Extensive educational experience and commitment

- Continuously develop their teaching towards better learning (containing goals and results / impact, as well as concrete examples and references to educational literature to support the demonstration)

- Systematically deepened their pedagogical competence, min 25 cr of pedagogical studies (can demonstrate how pedagogy / education and learning have improved)

- Pedagogical leadership and development assignments (not only formal duties such as being head of subject or subject coordinator, but genuine pedagogical leadership e.g. in the subject, with goals and outcomes )

- Self-evaluation - in a constructive way, reflecting on their teaching and taking into account the students / colleagues / own responses (including references to relevant university pedagogical literature in order to motivate and anchor their own  educational choices and pedagogical knowledge)

- Demonstrated consistently high-level teaching and received positive reviews and appreciation of their skills and commitment as a teacher (excellent course evaluations, awards / appointments, etc.)

B. Shares their educational knowledge

- Acted as a teacher mentor, participated in peer-to-peer evaluation, etc.

- Initiated educational seminars, discussions, conferences, research projects, etc.

- Developed teaching materials for common use (e.g. open educational resources)


Based on one’s own application - criteria A and B must both be met (demonstrate the purpose, scope and effects of the various indicators; documentation supporting the application is appended)

Applicants should have continuous employment at Hanken.

Application form:

Deadlines three times a year:
- March 15th
- September 15th
- November 30th

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.


Criteria for revaluation of excellence

New criteria and decision to be made during the autumn semester 2024

Project Funds

In order to further support pedagogical development work at Hanken, we announce project funding once a year for the development and digitalisation of teaching. In addition to this, there is also the possibility to apply for start-up funding for co-operation and innovation in teaching and learning within ENGAGE.EU 

More information about these project funds and how to apply can be found below. 

Project funding for development of teaching

Funds are made available by Hanken Support Foundation to encourage and enable development of teaching.

Purpose: For such important investments in the development of teaching that take extra time and are of a one-off nature. The development must be in line with Hanken's strategic goals and can have different focuses in different years (innovative learning forms, teaching collaboration, business contacts, integration, outreach, a new program, etc.) and follow Hanken's pedagogical guidelines.

Funds can be granted, e.g. for:

  • to hire a person/assistant for the time-consuming development of teaching materials (e.g. cases, digital materials),
  • for purchasing of e.g. databases, literature, cases, participation in courses/further training, etc. Funds for travel and research must be sought from elsewhere, from external foundations but also from Hanken Support Foundation's grants Opens in new window . As the project funds are external money, VAT cannot be deducted. Costs paid with the funds must therefore also include VAT.
  • In exceptional cases and in line with Hanken's strategy, funds can also be granted for the teacher to carry out the project himself within normal working hours and hand over certain simpler teaching tasks to an hourly employee, if the project requires unique core competence that only the teacher possesses. The project funds cannot be used to pay extra salary to the teacher himself.

The application is made in consultation with the program coordinator/head of subject so that it reflects the needs and focus of the subject, which should also be stated in the application.

The funds can be applied for once a year. Announcement is made in January with deadline end of February (Funding for 2024/25 is announced in April on the web and in Teaching Lab's newsletter). If necessary, an extra round can be announced later in the year. The funds are due at the end of the following academic year.

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.


Academic teaching staff from ENGAGE.EU partner universities are invited to apply for seed-funding for the development of joint teaching initiatives.  

The seed funding aims to encourage collaboration and innovation in teaching and learning within ENGAGE.EU through the development of joint educational offers across the alliance. 

Initiatives exploring the collaborative development of new courses and/or teaching formats can apply for seed funding up to €10,000. Funding can be used for personnel costs, travel, meetings and events, for the production of course materials, training or similar.  

To qualify, the proposed teaching initiative must include colleagues from at least three partner universities in the alliance and be linked to the ENGAGE.EU mission Opens in new window .


  • Application deadline: 25 September 2024

  • Results are announced: early November 2024

  • Funding period: November 2024 to October 2026


For more information about how to apply, please see the Academic Initiative Incubator Seed Funding Guidelines Opens in new window . Academic teaching staff from NHH can contact their local ENGAGE.EU Incubator contact person Opens in new window  (Carl Hobbs) with further questions.

An information webinar will be held on 25 June 2024 from 14.00-15.00 (CET) and 12 September 2024, 14.00-15.00 (CET). To register, please click here Opens in new window .

This seed funding call forms part of the newly launched ENGAGE.EU Academic Initiative Incubator, which supports academic teaching staff across the alliance in the bottom-up development of new educational offers. For more information on the Academic Initiative Incubator and what support it provides, please click here Opens in new window .


For further information about Engage go the Hanken webpage The European University