Grants and Teaching Awards

Premierings- och incitamentpyramid för högklassig undervisning i Hanken
Awards and incentives for high-quality teaching at Hanken

Award and incentive pyramid for high-quality teaching at Hanken

Designed to encourage, reward, and publicly acknowledge sustained excellence in teaching at Hanken.

(1.1) Project funding for development of teaching

Funds are made available by Hanken Support Foundation to encourage and enable development of teaching.

The purpose and the way of using the funds, as well as the application date, have been updated on 23.4.2024.

Purpose: For such important investments in the development of teaching that take extra time and are of a one-off nature. The development must be in line with Hanken's strategic goals and can have different focuses in different years (innovative learning forms, teaching collaboration, business contacts, integration, outreach, a new program, etc.) and follow Hanken's pedagogical guidelines.

Funds can be granted, e.g. for:

  • to hire a person/assistant for the time-consuming development of teaching materials (e.g. cases, digital materials),
  • for purchasing of e.g. databases, literature, cases, participation in courses/further training, etc. Funds for travel and research must be sought from elsewhere, from external foundations but also from Hanken Support Foundation's grants Opens in new window . As the project funds are external money, VAT cannot be deducted. Costs paid with the funds must therefore also include VAT.
  • In exceptional cases and in line with Hanken's strategy, funds can also be granted for the teacher to carry out the project himself within normal working hours and hand over certain simpler teaching tasks to an hourly employee, if the project requires unique core competence that only the teacher possesses. The project funds cannot be used to pay extra salary to the teacher himself.

The application is made in consultation with the program coordinator/head of subject so that it reflects the needs and focus of the subject, which should also be stated in the application.

The funds can be applied for once a year. Announcement is made in December with deadline end of January (Funding for 2024/25 is announced in April on the web and in Teaching Lab's newsletter). If necessary, an extra round can be announced later in the year. The funds are due at the end of the following academic year.

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.

(2.1) Awarding successful development of teaching taking into account Hanken's strategic objectives

Teachers can be rewarded for successful development of teaching. The development must be in line with Hanken's strategic goals and can have different focuses in different years (innovative forms of learning, teaching materials, teaching collaboration,corporate connections, integration, outreach, a new program, etc.).

Nominations for awards can be made by heads of departments, subject managers, colleagues or the teacher himself. When the nomination is submitted by someone else, it is recommended that the nominee participate in the description of the progress and results achieved. The grounds for the nomination must be sufficiently clear and according to the instructions for the application for the committee to take a position on them in its assessment.

Awarded once/year at the Rector's Christmas coffee (announced in November on the web and in Teaching Lab's newsletter). The number awarded may vary depending on the nominations received.

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.

(2.2) Awarding Teachers of the Year in Helsinki and Vaasa

Elected by SHS and SSHV in both Helsinki and Vaasa
The awards are given at respective annual ball; the university pays a price sum

(2.3) Awarding pedagogical research / publications

- Publications on pedagogical research (see, for example,

- Teaching material (books, programs, etc.)

Input in HARIS => included in the publication award model

(3.1) Excellent teachers

Excellent teachers demonstrate genuine interest in teaching and student learning, and excellent results from this. They  perform beyond the "normal" teaching job, beyond what is included in the meritorious teacher level (such as successful development of individual courses already rewarded on the previous level). They systematically share their educational knowledge to improve the quality of teaching in general.

=>Teaching excellence is awarded with a time-bound salary supplement of 300 euros per month (for 4 years). Re-evaluated every 4th year.


A. Shows educational excellence

- Extensive educational experience and commitment

- Continuously develop their teaching towards better learning (containing goals and results / impact, as well as concrete examples and references to educational literature to support the demonstration)

- Systematically deepened their pedagogical competence, min 25 cr of pedagogical studies (can demonstrate how pedagogy / education and learning have improved)

- Pedagogical leadership and development assignments (not only formal duties such as being head of subject or subject coordinator, but genuine pedagogical leadership e.g. in the subject, with goals and outcomes )

- Self-evaluation - in a constructive way, reflecting on their teaching and taking into account the students / colleagues / own responses (including references to relevant university pedagogical literature in order to motivate and anchor their own  educational choices and pedagogical knowledge)

- Demonstrated consistently high-level teaching and received positive reviews and appreciation of their skills and commitment as a teacher (excellent course evaluations, awards / appointments, etc.)

B. Shares their educational knowledge

- Acted as a teacher mentor, participated in peer-to-peer evaluation, etc.

- Initiated educational seminars, discussions, conferences, research projects, etc.

- Developed teaching materials for common use (e.g. open educational resources)


Based on one’s own application - criteria A and B must both be met (demonstrate the purpose, scope and effects of the various indicators; documentation supporting the application is appended)

Applicants should have continuous employment at Hanken.

Application form:

Application deadline annually on January 31.

The applications are assessed by the Teaching Evaluation Committee (TEC) and the decision is taken by the Rector.


Criteria for revaluation of excellence

Will be published during May 2024

In addition, annual courses that received high course evaluations in the previous academic year are noted:

  • at least 4 in average on all three questions included in the course evaluation form, as well as
  • teacher response to the feedback received in the evaluation form, and
  • at least 35% response rate to the evaluation

=> the course is mentioned in the study guide and published on the web

The number of courses with top evaluations is shown in this table.

(5.1) Enough time and resources are reserved for pedagogical development and continuous pedagogical training in teachers’ work plans 

(5.2) Pedagogical training and support
- Hanken supports its teachers by offering various opportunities for continuous pedagogical training in both Swedish and English (Unipeda, ITP, IMTA, UNIPS, etc.)
Teachers should apply for the training within given deadlines: see courses and further training
- Teaching Lab offers training and support for planning of teaching and in the use of digital teaching methods and tools (workshops, seminars, Helpdesk receptions, tutorials, instructional videos, etc.).