| 05.03.2020

”Good reputation, small unit, attractive webpage”

Utbytesstudenter vid Hanken höstterminen 2019
Hanken scores really well in the latest exchange student survey among students that visited Hanken during autumn 2019. A total of 96% of the 88 respondents would recommend Hanken as host university for exchange studies, and the feedback on courses, small teaching groups and Hanken's webpage was very positive.

Many of the exchange students say that they chose Hanken as a destination because of the high quality of teaching and the course offer. The students were satisfied with the courses they took, and the feedback on teaching methods and the students own learning was also very flattering. The Student Union and the Exchange Committee received credit for their work to integrate the exchange students.

This term 88 out of 132 exchange students replied to the survey (67%), which is a great result. The exchange student survey has been sent out twice per year since 2012. On average 98% of exchange students that have visited Hanken during the past two years would recommend it.

More information:

Johanna Julin Lilius
Manager, International Partnerships and Exchange Programme