News Archive

Joel Sunabacka
"We have always done it that way" is an expression that Joel Sunabacka, head of the Bank of Åland in Vasa, Hankenalumnus, and winner of the competition Young Leader of the Year in Western Finland, cannot stand.
The DigCBA project: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-Based Assistance in Refugee Crises
By Amin Maghsoudi, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research (HUMLOG) Institute at Hanken School of Economics.
The Climate University network, which Hanken is a member of and is coordinated by the University of Helsinki, has formed a teaching cooperation contract between 18 universities. With these new contracts, a majority of Finnish university students can take the network’s climate and sustainability -themed courses.
Daniel Pasternack ny Professor of Practice
Dr. Daniel Pasternack has on 1.10.2021 been appointed Professor of Practice at Hanken for a period of three years. Pasternack has a background as an entrepreneur and is the CEO of the asset management company Elite Alfred Berg.
Hanken byggnaden i Helsingfors
The University Council of Hanken School of Economics has in its meeting on 3 December 2021, elected a new Board for Hanken. The term of office for the new Board is 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2024.
Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelsen donerar 150 000 euro
Bergsrådet Tekn. och Ekon. dr h.c. Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse för Företagsekonomisk Forskning has decided to donate 150 000 euros to Hanken. The donation is included in Hanken's ongoing fundraising campaign Count on Hanken.
KvarkenSat, a small satellite flowing in space
KvarkenSat is a joint small satellite between the Ostrobothnian provinces and Västerbotten. It is due to be launched into space in just over a year, with drawings by children and young people on board on the satellite. The small satellite is the result of cooperation across the Kvarken. It also demonstrates that the conquest of space is not just for space superpowers.
Luk van Wassenhove award - Kovács
Professor Luk Van Wassenhove is a pioneer in the area of humanitarian operations. He strives to close the loop between theory and practice by: (i) finding relevant problems in the practice of humanitarian operations, (ii) using rigorous research methods to gain insights on these problems, (iii) publishing his findings in peer-reviewed outlets, pedagogical case studies and other publications, and (iv) giving back to practice through implementable recommendations. Luk is also very generous with his time and contributes actively to strengthen the research community.
Hanken i snö 2021
Here is a list of Hanken's opening hours in both Vaasa and Helsinki during Christmas and New Year holidays.
Biblioteket studiesalen belysning
Hankens library in Helsinki closes 16.
Paneldiskussion med Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes under Vetenskapskarnevalen 2021
Assistant professor Maria Ehrnström-Fuente's current research project "Worlds in transition" focuses on what "economics" really is from an ecological perspective. This was also the starting point for a panel discussion during the Science Carnival in Vaasa on 19.11.2021.
Information gällande coronaviruset
The amount of misinformation related to COVID-19 is disproportionately high compared to content produced by fact-checkers on Twitter. Misinformation also lives longer online. This is shown by results from an ongoing study on online misinformation about COVID-19.
Jakob Wikström
Lifeline Ventures invests two million euros in Hanken Business Lab's member company Mobal. Lifeline Ventures' previous investments include Wolt, Supercell, Smartly and Aiven.
A group of students, who have studied the local community's commitment to mitigating and curbing climate-related natural disasters in Mozambique, have won first prize in a science competition organized by the HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics.
Old phones in pile
Electronic or e-waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. In 2019, a record of 53.6 million metric tons of globally generated e-waste was reported. Electronic devices contain an extensive list of precious metals as well as harmful chemicals; if no product recovery procedures are applied, we lose scarce resources and create a negative environmental footprint.
Sustainable venture creation
A course ideated, planned and taught by students is currently taking place for the first time in Hanken’s history. The course Sustainable Venture Creation enables students to develop ventures that work towards the UN’s sustainable development goals.
Fulbright Finland logotyp
Hanken will host a seminar with Professor Paul Heald, current Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Law and Economics on Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 14.00-15.00 (Helsinki time). Heald is the Albert J. Harno & Edward W. Cleary Chair in Law at the University of Illinois.
Kvinna vid datorn
Finnish universities’ vice presidents for education agreed on launching a joint development project to develop student admissions. Entrance examinations will be digitalised, their content developed, and their number significantly reduced. The needs for development were identified jointly by the universities particularly as a result of admissions carried out over the course of the national state of emergency. The development work will be discussed at universities during the autumn.
Anna Aminoff
Many high-tech products contain high-demand metals. These metals are of strategic importance to the world economy but will likely be difficult to access in the future. As critical materials, they are part of society’s critical infrastructure and should therefore be recycled and reused to a greater degree.
Två studenter går ut från dörren
Every autumn, a national questionnaire is sent out to all those who have graduated from a university in Finland following up on their careers. According to the latest results, Hanken is placed at the very top by graduates with a master’s degree in business when evaluating their education programmes.