Bild av ett människorhuvud, datakod reflekteras mot huvudet.
AI has been a hype since important advances were made in machine-learning, huge data sets became available, and speed of computing power steeped up. In a blog post, Professor Frank den Hond explores the question: What do humans lose when we let AI decide.
Två händer som sträcker sig mot varandra och håller i pusselbitar
In the midst of climate change, pandemics, and digital transformation, managers find themselves at the forefront of navigating uncertainty. New research shows how managers make sense of this dynamic business environment and what the implications are when it comes to strategic decision-making.
OMslaget av boken Moomin Magagement med olika figurer från Mumindalen.
A brand new Moomin book is set to release in September. However, this book focuses less on the events in the Moominvalley and more on the business and managing the ecosystem of companies with Moomin Characters at its core. Generosity is highlighted as a key management practice. The book is written by Hanken Professor Janne Tienari and Assistant Professor Paul Savage.
What motivates people to pay their taxes? And what shapes moral condemnation of tax evasion? New research uncovers the complex moral psychology underlying why people pay taxes or evade them, providing insights for sustaining ethical cooperation as financial technologies evolve.