Professor Luk Van Wassenhove is a pioneer in the area of humanitarian operations. He strives to close the loop between theory and practice by: (i) finding relevant problems in the practice of humanitarian operations, (ii) using rigorous research methods to gain insights on these problems, (iii) publishing his findings in peer-reviewed outlets, pedagogical case studies and other publications, and (iv) giving back to practice through implementable recommendations. Luk is also very generous with his time and contributes actively to strengthen the research community.
An overview of the complexity, constraints, and evolution of MSF global supply chain operations – A personal decade-based opinion By Diego Flores, MSF Head of Mission and International HUMLOG Institute practitioner fellow.
Last 30 September and 1 October 2021 in Napoli (Italy), the sCience & human factOr for Resilient sociEty (CORE) consortium was ready to participate in the Kick-off meeting hosted by ISSNOVA with the joint organization of the University of Salerno, coordinator of the project. The meeting counted peak of 40 representatives of the 19 members that form CORE Consortium and has been held in a mixed form, online and live, due to the COVID emergency.
The HUMLOG Institute Deputy Director Dr. Diego Vega hosted two discussions at the WHF 2021: "Promoting green supply chain management: adopting sustainable policies" and "Analysing localisation: trends, challenges and solutions to implementation"
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in four of the many sessions at the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021. Registration to the event and the various session is needed.

Check the events from Hanken calendar below:
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.