Tune in with Ketki Kulkarni, Postdoctoral Researcher at HUMLOG Institute, and Tamara Kirkwood-Wright, Doctoral Researcher at Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, Hanken School of Economics, to learn about resilience and sustainability through multimodality on freight transport.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.
HUMLOG Institutet kommer att delta i fyra av de många sessionerna vid HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online-evenemang 19.4.-7.5. 2021. Registrering till evenemanget och till de olika sessionerna behövs.
Forskarna inom ett projekt som fokuserar på Syrien och Ukraina undersöker i vilken form det är bäst att leverera nödhjälp i konflikter. Målet är att skapa riktlinjer för att hjälpa biståndsorganisationer som arbetar i konfliktområden att fatta beslut.