| 11.10.2024

Teacher/staff mobility within the ERASMUS+ programme

In line with the internationalisation ambitions of Hanken, academic and administrative staff are offered the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ teacher/staff mobility grant at a Hanken partner university within the European Union.

In line with the internationalisation ambitions of Hanken, academic and administrative staff are offered the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ teacher/staff mobility grant at a Hanken partner university within the European Union. The deadline for application is 11 November 2024 for administrative staff.

Teachers who together with a partner university plan to teach at a partner university can apply continuously (as long as Hanken has Erasmus+ funds).  

Hanken has for 2024-2025 received 2 Erasmus+ scholarships for teaching staff and 10 scholarships for administrative visits to a partner university. The Erasmus+ scholarships partly cover a short visit of 2-5 days to a Hanken partner university in Europe (not to Switzerland nor the UK). The scholarships can be used until 31 July 2025.

Who does the teacher/staff mobility concern?
All staff (both academic and administrative), regardless of nationality, that are permanently employed at Hanken can apply for an Erasmus+ staff mobility grant for a teaching/administrative visit to a partner university for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 5 days.

What is the aim of teacher/staff mobility within the Erasmus+ programme?
Staff mobility within the Erasmus+ programme offers administrative staff at universities the opportunity for benchmarking, learning new approaches, broadening the network, sharing best practices and developing digital skills. The idea is that both the sending and the receiving university benefit from the staff mobility by sharing experiences with each other.

Teachers can use Erasmus+ for
a)    an administrative purpose e.g. for planning a common course or other activities (e.g. within ENGAGE.EU) for at least 2 days and maximum 5 days.
b)    teaching 8 hours during at least 2 days

NB! Continuous application for teachers contrary to staff mobility.

Participation in conferences cannot be financed by Erasmus+.

In order for you to apply, you need to have a clear idea of the area of work you want to benchmark or what areas you want to develop by learning new approaches. A work plan including the areas of work to be addressed during the visit must be approved by both Hanken and the host university before the staff exchange within the Erasmus+ programme can take place.
After the exchange you shall share the experience at Hanken and you must submit an Erasmus+ report.

How long is a staff mobility visit?

The minimum stay for administrative staff within the Erasmus+ programme is 2 working days (travel days excluded), and the maximum stay is 5 days. Hanken recommends a stay of 2-3 working days (+ travel days).

Staff mobility for teaching requires at least 8 hours of teaching during at least 2 days.

The scholarships can be used until the end of July 2025.

Where can you go?
You can visit one of Hanken’s European partner universities within the Erasmus+ programme (in an EU country). To learn more about Hanken’s partner universities, please visit https://www.hanken.fi/en/apply/international-opportunities/studies-and-….

Please note that Hanken also has Erasmus+ agreements with the Nordic partner universities. Additionally, visiting one of the member universities of ENGAGE.EU Partners – ENGAGE.EU (engageuniversity.eu) is also a possible destination for your exchange.

Established contacts at a Hanken partner university is not a prerequisite for an exchange for the administrative staff, and the team for international partnerships and mobility will gladly help you to connect with colleagues at a European partner university. Whereas, academic staff often already have colleagues at a partner university with whom they collaborate and with whom they agree to do a teaching assignment.

It is the partner university that makes the final decision about the capacity to welcome and host a colleague from Hanken.

What languages do you need to know in order to participate?
You can use English at most partner universities in Europe (or Swedish in the Nordic countries), depending on the country and the department at the university.
How is teacher/staff mobility financed?
Staff who are selected for an exchange receives an Erasmus+ grant. The grant depends on to what country you go and the length of the stay. There are fixed rates per country set by the European Union. Thus, the Erasmus+ grant varies between 97-124 euro/day + travel allowance according to the distance between Helsinki/Vasa and the host university:
-    100-499 km = 180 euro
-    500-1999 km = 275 euro and
-    2000-2999 km = 360 euro

You can also get the daily rate for potential travel days. The Erasmus+ grant will not cover all eligible costs, hence, the rest of the costs will have to be covered by your own department/unit. Please take this into account when you plan a visit and always discuss the exchange with your manager.

You can receive a higher daily rate for green travel;
-    100-499 km = 210 euro (instead of 180 euro)
-    500-1999 km = 320 euro (instead of 275 euro).

Green travel means travel by train, bus, bicycle or by sharing a car ride. Travel by ferry is not seen as green travel according to the European Union.
In case you travel green you can also receive an extra amount for additional travel days (according to the sum per country).

Your own unit/department pays for all the eligible costs before/during your journey. After you have made the travel report the Erasmus+ grants are paid to your unit/department.

During the exchange you are entitled to your normal salary.

What should you do if you are interested in staff/teacher mobility?

Start to plan an exchange by doing the following:

  • think about why you would like to participate in staff exchange
  • consider what you primarily would like to benchmark/learn abroad at a partner university
  • check out the list of partner universities in Europe and consider what partner university would be the best option to visit bearing in mind the area of work you want to benchmark
  • discuss with your manager at the unit/department if the department can pay for the costs not covered by the Erasmus+ grant and a suitable time for you to go abroad.

If you would like to discuss possible partner universities to visit you can contact the Head of International Relations, Johanna Lilius.

How do I apply?
The deadline to apply for staff exchange is 11.11.2024 for administrative staff. Erasmus+ funds for teaching mobility (2-5 days) are open for applications continuously.
The exchange can be carried out any time during the academic year 2024-2025 until July 2025.

Please submit your application including a cost estimate via the following link: https://forma.hanken.fi/lomakkeet/3454/lomake.html
 Please upload

  • a motivation letter in English where you describe your area of work, what ideas you have about the visit, specify what you would like to benchmark/learn during your exchange, where you would like to go and when

The following things are important when the decision about the allocation of the E+ grant for teaching/staff mobility is made:

  • you must be permanently employed at Hanken
  • staff who have not yet been mobile within Erasmus+ will be prioritised
  • the exchange shall benefit Hanken
  • the exchange shall benefit the cooperation between Hanken and the partner university

The outcome of the application
HR Director Elina Stadigh makes the final decision about the allocation of the E+ grant for staff mobility. All applicants are informed about the decision at the latest on 19.11.2024.

What do your colleagues say about the staff exchange

Sirpa Aalto’s (Research services) visit to University of Mannheim

I can warmly recommend staff exchange to our partner universities! For me, it’s easier to communicate with my ENGAGE.EU colleagues now that I have met them face-to-face. In addition, it was great to benchmark their organisation and see, for instance, how they have embraced open science in their curriculum for students and staff members.

Susanne Holmlund & Marlene Backman (Hanken Library), visit to University of Ljubljana

We got ideas for direct improvements to implement. What we took home best was both a deeper and broader understanding of what we work with, and the feeling that if the opportunity arises in the future, we have the ideas. That we all in the university library sector - regardless of country - work towards similar goals, with the same or similar tools and have similar problems. Being able to hang out with colleagues for a whole week gave a lot of added value, we networked in a completely different way than at a large conference (including the organizers, we were about 30 people). We got to know each other more deeply and were thus able to discuss more personally and openly.

Next steps
After you have been chosen to take part in Erasmus+ mobility the team for international partnerships and mobility will be in contact with you regarding administrative matters. There are mandatory Erasmus+ documents to fill in. After the visit you will receive a link to the Erasmus+ report you have to fill in. The link to the repost is sent automatically by e-mail from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ administrative database.

If you are interested in going to a ENGAGE.EU university you can now fill in the online application form for job shadowing on the ENGAGE.EU website: https://www.engageuniversity.eu/job-shadowing/

Any questions?
If you have any questions about the staff mobility, you can contact Director Elina Stadigh, tel: +358 40 352 1299 elina.stadigh@hanken.fi.

If you would like to discuss where to go you can contact the Head of International Relations Johanna Lilius, tel: 040 3521 239, e-mail: johanna.lilius@hanken.fi