| 14.04.2016

Hanken ranks fifth in global university ranking on research and research linkages

Hanken ranks 5th in the global U-Multirank university ranking and outperforms over 1 300 other universities from the US and Europe.

Hanken is ranked 5th in the global U-Multirank university ranking on research and research linkages. Hanken thus outperforms over 1 300 other universities from both the US and Europe.

- We see this as the result of our strenuous efforts in encouraging our researchers to publish in top journals and to cooperate internationally, says Hanken’s Rector Karen Spens.

Hanken ranks particularly well on citation rate and top cited publications, as well as on international joint publications.

- There are only two European universities among the top 10 measured according to top cited publications indicator. One of these is Hanken, which again proves the high quality of the research conducted at Hanken, states Timo Korkeamäki, Dean of Research.

The ranking compares selected U-Multirank institutions in terms of seven different bibliometric performance indicators in the areas of research and research linkages. All indicator scores derived from bibliometric analysis are based on information extracted from publications that are indexed in the CWTS-licensed edition of the Web of Science (WoS) database, which contains some 12,000 sources, mostly peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

In the other evaluation categories that compare the 1 300 participating universities, Hanken performs extremely well in variables such as international mobility, share of international faculty, share of private funding, and graduation rate.

The third annual edition of U-Multirank features over 1,300 universities from more than 90 countries. The ranking contains 10 performance lists, each showing 25 top-performing universities according to a different U-Multirank indicator.

U-Multirank is the first global ranking to offer a full picture of the diversity of university performance. U-Multirank is developed and implemented by an independent consortium that consists of European higher education institutions and is supported by the European Commission.

Read more about the ranking: www.umultirank.org 

More information:
Timo Korkeamäki
e-mail: timo.korkeamäki@hanken.fi
Telefone: +358 40 352 1308


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