Online presentation about Hanken's Bachelor in Business

Hanken will host an online presentation about our new Bachelor in Business programme for interested potential students and parents.

Are you interested in learning more about Hanken's new Bachelor in Business programme? Do you want to learn more about admission or the student life at Hanken? We invite all prospective students and their parents to attend this online presentation about Hanken's new bachelor programme on Wednesday 11 October 2023 at 15.00 (CEET) online, on Teams. 

The programme director will be present to talk about the programme in general and our admission manager will talk about the application process. Our marketing coordinator, and Alum, will also be present to answer questions about Hanken in general and student life. 

No registration is needed for this event, just click the Teams link and join the meeting during the one hour we have together. Hopefully, we will e-meet you soon!

You can attend the online presentation by attending the Teams meeting here