Assessments in the recruitment process, case Fazer

Teachers staff room, 5th floor

Are you curious about tests used during recruitment processes or do you want to prepare for future interviews? Come and learn why aptitude assessment is used in the recruitment process at Fazer, what usually happens at an assessment day and other tests and methods commonly used. You’ll receive hints and tips on how to prepare for different kinds of tests – and how to ace them! The workshop is organized by Career Services together with Senior Manager Piia Rajakallio from Fazer.
Topics discussed:

  • The meaning and timing of the tests in recruitment process - why and in which situations tests are used at Fazer
  • Which tests are used at Fazer and what kind of tests you might face in job interviews
  • Different kinds of traits ability tests measure, i.e. competence vs. analyses that look into personality and motivation - two different kinds of test types that measure different things
  • Tips on how to stay calm and natural during the tests and ace them to succeed in the recruitment process

The event is held in English. Max number of participants is 25, so be sure to register quickly!

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