Tools for plagiarism detection

Tools for detecting plagiarism

Hanken uses three tools to detect plagiarism: Ourginal, Turnitin and iThenticate. 

All Master's Theses that are handed in at Hanken after 1 January 2010 are plagiarism controlled with the help of a programme for plagiarism detection. After the student has handed in his/her thesis in DHanken, the Office of Study Affairs hands in the thesis into the programmes. The programme Ouriginal Opens in new window  (former Urkund) is generally used for Swedish texts and the programme Turnitin Opens in new window for English texts. Teachers may also use the programmes as help aids when assessing other written student assignments.

Since 1.8.2014 also all Doctoral Theses at Hanken must be checked for plagiarism with help of web based tool iThenticate Opens in new window . Doctoral students submit their thesis themselves into the plagiarism detection tool. The PhD Programme Director is responsible that the results of the plagiarism control are discussed with the supervisor.

Ouriginal Opens in new window and Turnitin Opens in new window are two different teachers' web based tools, designed for plagiarism detection. Both services are based on a similar operation principle: students' papers are compared against the content of three source areas - the Internet, published material and the students' paper archive built of previously submitted documents - and the result of the analysis with detailed matching information is forwarded to the teacher. OBS! Urkund or Turnitin does not determine plagiarism, they just detect text matching.

iThenticate Opens in new window is a web based plagiarism detection service. User can upload documents to folders and check them multiple times through the writing process for improper citation or potential plagiarism. iThenticate will not store papers. iThenticate also enables teamwork: folders can be shared with other users.

Plagiarism detection programmes analyse only text documents in different formats, but not tables (excel files) or computer programming language.

Turnitin also has an AI detector. For more information on AI auditing, see AI in teaching