Jesper and Dennis use their Podcast After Class as a tool in teaching

They have published weekly episodes since launching in early September. Since then it has become more and more fun to make the podcast as they have become better at it, they say.
Jesper and Dennis started the podcast in order to broaden the tools for contact with the students in the digital learning environment. They both felt that the distance teaching and corona situation had created room for a podcast.
“The first autumn of the pandemic made us start the podcast. Right now, we are thinking about how and what should be done in order for the podcast to fit in even better as part of teaching's omni experience”, the hosts say.
From the very beginning the idea was to discuss timely news that were related to their teaching – Jesper teaches courses in finance and Dennis in accounting. The primarily target group for the podcast is students.
“We have adapted the level of the conversation to the intended listeners. We also have some other listeners of whom many are interested in business, but do not work directly with these issues”, Jesper comments.
For those who want to start listening to the podcast, the duo recommends the most recent episodes, as they have become better podcast makers over time. At the same time, the episodes are built on what they have been discussing previously.
“We often try to build episodes around one or more current news, that we discuss in the context of what we teach and to research in the field. In a successful episode we also get in a well-placed joke, says Dennis.
Guests bring in new perspectives
Jesper and Dennis do a lot of research together and they have overlapping course where they, among other things, deal with company valuation from different points of view. Therefore, it is natural that in the podcast, in addition to news, they often address valuation perspectives and corporate fraud.
“The podcast has seen a heterogeneous group of guests. We have had guests from the business world, national and international universities, as well as students. Bringing in more guests could be a way to develop the podcast”, Jesper mentions.
Jesper and Dennis publish new episodes every Friday and they plan to continue as long as it is fun to do so. At the least, they will continue until the end of the academic year and revive the podcast in period one next academic year.
"So far we have not felt any pressure in producing the podcast. The goal is 15-minute episodes, but it varies depending on how much material we have”, the duo says.
Listen to After Class with Jesper and Dennis here.