The Hanken Support Foundation Grants

Below you can find information about application times, the application process, conditions for grant awards, contact details and other important information. You can find the same information in the menu on the right-hand side.

The Hanken Support Foundation grants consist of the Hanken Support Foundation funds and endowments. Academic staff and students enrolled at Hanken can apply for specific-purpose funding.

Payment of grants during summer 2024

Please note that the last day for payments of grants before the summer holidays is Thursday 20 June, so if you wish to have your grant paid out before the summer holidays please submit the signed requisition form (and any other documents that fulfill possible conditions) no later than Wednesday 19 June to Next chance for payments is in the beginning of August.

Contact Information

The contact person for the Hanken Support Foundation grants (applications, grant decisions, payments, repayments and reporting):

Scholarship Liaison Officer
Office of Research and International Affairs
E-mail: stipendieombud(a) 
Phone: +358403521375