Hanken Research Day: Science Accessibly Packaged

Seven research groups – four representing Hanken’s Areas of Strength and
three Hanken Areas of High Potential – presented their research in an easy-to-access package on Hanken Research Day. Each group had a time limit of seven minutes and could use only pictures to describe their research. Some of the groups chose to use on-stage props as well to illustrate their particular research topic. The concept was new for this year, and worked very well according to Jaakko Aspara, Dean of Research and Innovation.
“Researchers are used to giving 20-30 minute presentations on their topic; giving them limits regarding both time and format forced them to rethink their presentations. Judging by the feedback we’ve had from the audiences, this briefer and more visual concept worked well”, says Aspara.
European Researchers’ Night is supported by the European Commission with an end to bringing researchers and the general public closer. It’s never easy to simplify and make research more accessible, but it’s necessary if we want scientific work to have an impact on society, Jaakko Aspara points out.
“Decision-making must be based on science, which is why it’s important that the results from the latest research re understood by our policy-makers. They can, for example, use our expertise when making laws and regulations.”
Making science more accessible benefits not only decision-makers, it also has clear advantages for people’s general knowledge.
“Take phenomena such as climate change, where all kinds of rumours abound and fact is mixed with fiction, making it all the more important for researchers to get their message across and stop the spreading of false information”, says Aspara.
Watch the video from the event and all the presentations here.